
Not everyone will understand your journey. That’s fine. It’s not their journey to make sense of. It’s yours.

Zero Dean

Author | Photographer | CG Artist | Filmmaker

Self-fulfilling cycles

Whether directly or indirectly, what we choose to pay attention to can have a dramatic impact on not just how we feel, but on our life experience as well.

Expecting negative things to happen is not just more likely to draw our attention to their existence, it’s more likely to prolong it as well. This, in turn, can create a self-fulfilling cycle of negativity.

Energy is contagious. We tend to absorb and proliferate the type of energy we consistently pay attention to. Therefore it is imperative that we be intentional about where we place our attention and be conscious of how it makes us feel.

Rather than monitoring and confirming to ourselves how bad things can get before they get better, making positive changes efficiently is much more likely to involve focusing on the actions one can take to initiate positive change and then performing those actions as effectively as possible.

Remember this day

Remember this day as a fresh start. A new beginning. A clean slate. An optimistic look forward. Remember this day as a day of hope. A day of unlimited possibilities. A day of immeasurable potential. Remember this day as an occasion to learn. A day to improve. A day to get things right.

Remember this day as an opportunity to make a positive difference in someone’s life. A day to have a lasting positive impact on those you come in contact with. A day to lead by example.

Remember this day is a symbol. Because this day, this moment, and every moment that follows is an opportunity to not only be the type of person you want to be, but the type of person you want to be remembered as.

This day is not just a fresh start that comes but once a year, it comes every day — every moment you exist. This day is your life. And this day and all the days that follow are your legacy.

No one has more of an impact on this day and every day that follows in your life than you do. Make it a good one.

Originally published Jan 1, 2015


As one year ends and another begins…

As one year ends and another begins, let us move forward with an open mind, an open heart, and enduring hope for the wondrous possibilities that lie before us.

But let us do so wisely and without blinders on.

Because although the year ahead may be great, it will not be without its challenges. We will be tested in ways we cannot foresee. But with every challenge comes an opportunity for us to demonstrate our strength, patience, tolerance, and resolve.

Every surprise that the coming year has in store for us is an opportunity to show that we’ve grown. That we’re stronger. And that we are ever bridging the gap between the person we are and the person we wish to be.

Let us remember that it is through the process of overcoming challenges that we develop strength. And that every time we face temptation, heartache, friction, or failure it is an opportunity for us to act in ways that we can be proud of.

No matter what life has in store for us, let this be a year of love, encouragement, and forgiveness — of others and ourselves.

Let it see us act bravely, boldly, and taking consistent action towards our goals. Let it see us correct our bad habits and add to our good ones — making us healthier, happier, and more capable of living the kind of life we desire. Let is see us push forward into the new year knowing that we are not only capable of handling every adversity that lies ahead, we can do so in a way that makes us better.

And because we know that life isn’t always easy, let us remember to not just be there for those that we know, but also for those that we don’t.

Happy New Year.

Zero Dean

Originally published: Dec 29, 2016

Happy New Year.

Wishes for the New Year

May the new year bring you an abundance of amazing opportunities, beautiful moments, and joyful experiences. May your positive actions & attitude inspire others.

May the new year bring you an abundance of amazing opportunities, beautiful moments, and joyful experiences. May your positive actions & attitude inspire others.

May you be brave enough to take on and overcome rewarding challenges. May you find yourself in high spirits & excellent health. May you love with all your heart and find peace in even the most turbulent of times.

May the love you give find its way back to you. And may you forever be filled with the hope & strength necessary to make your dreams a reality.

Zero Dean

Originally published on: Dec 30, 2013

Like this post? Be sure to see others from the New Year category.


May your coming days be filled with memorable moments…

May your coming days be filled with memorable moments and positive life experiences. May you find the strength and determination to overcome challenges and persevere through tough times. May you find pleasure in simple things and encounter love & joy in unexpected places. May you leave the world a better place for having been a part of it.

And may you not only have a great day, may you help make it great for those you encounter.

Originally published July 7, 2014


Prioritizing possessions over experiences

Be very careful when it comes to prioritizing possessions over experiences. A capitalistic society will often encourage the acquisition of more and more stuff without regard to whether it’s truly needed.

Always remember that the cost of owning more stuff not only involves the purchase price, it also involves the resources to store and maintain it.

When your possessions begin to restrict you from doing things that you could easily do if you didn’t own them, the cost of ownership is your freedom.

We often look at what people own as a marker of how successful they are, but a far more accurate measure is whether a person’s lifestyle provides them with the freedom to do what they truly want to do.


Let them go

It is not your job to try to make everyone love what you post. And making it your job will inevitably result in posting content that leaves you unsatisfied and unfulfilled.

People who are not into what you post or create are not your problem and it isn’t your responsibility to please them. Let them go.

Put your energy into creating content that pleases you and those who like it will find you and appreciate you for it.

When you do this, you’ll never have to worry about confining yourself to other people’s expectations. Stop trying to be someone else and just focus on being the best you that you can be.



Don’t wait to appreciate

It is perfectly acceptable to be proud of your progress on the way to your goal. You can enjoy your journey before you reach your destination. And you can be grateful your life as it is, plot twists and all.

Don’t wait to appreciate.


Making what you’re inspired to make

Sometimes I get really inspired by the amazing & creative things I see shared online. It makes me want to try to share creative things as well. But then I sometimes hear a voice in my head that says, “What’s the point of even trying? You’ll never produce anything as good as that.” or “You’re so less skilled and so far behind everyone else, why even start?”

The reason I share this is to let you know that if you sometimes battle with a voice like that, you’re not alone. And while I hear the voice more often than I’d like to — and it sometimes slows me down — I refuse to let it deter me from ultimately doing what I want to do.

And you shouldn’t either. Even if you feel behind. And even if you feel like you’re bad at what it is you want to do. Everyone has to start somewhere.

Part of living life to the fullest means making what you’re inspired to make simply because you were inspired to make it.

There is a sense of satisfaction that comes with being able to look at something and say, “I made this.” But you’ll never hear yourself say it if you listen to the voice that stops you from starting. So stop listening to that voice and start listening to the one that says, “Do it anyway.” And realize, even if your goal is to share what you create, you’re not really doing it for others. You’re doing it for you.


Expertise and avoiding vs overcoming problems

I don’t consider myself an expert in anything. Everything I share online and write about in my books is a reflection of something I’ve had to work on to overcome, or in many cases, is something I’m still working on. No matter how much we think we know, there’s always room for improvement.

It is a mistake to think that just because you’ve learned a lesson that it won’t trip you up again multiple times in life.

What life experience provides isn’t necessarily a way to avoid problems, but rather, the confidence of knowing that you can overcome them.