
Not everyone will understand your journey. That’s fine. It’s not their journey to make sense of. It’s yours.

Zero Dean

Author | Photographer | CG Artist | Filmmaker

Broken vs unsolved

When a person learns to recognize the difference between something that’s actually broken and something that is simply unassembled or unsolved, the manner and attitude with which they approach that thing can have a dramatic impact on its outcome.

If you’ve ever referred to yourself or someone else as broken, understand that the same concept applies.

Doubters, detractors, and dream stealers

Anyone who ever attempts to achieve a lofty goal in life will nearly always have to deal with people who try to deter them from achieving their goals.

Whether one encounters true haters or simply well-meaning people offering what they consider to be reasonable play-it-safe advice, it may be helpful to know that the most vocal doubters and detractors of others’ dreams are often those who don’t have the confidence, attitude, or tenacity necessary to achieve their own.

“Don’t let someone who gave up on their dreams talk you out of yours.”

It’s not achievers who spend their time trying to steal other people’s dreams, it’s those who gave up on achieving their own — or worse, never tried.

It is the people who repeatedly set and struggle to achieve lofty goals in life that are often the most vocal cheerleaders for others who wish to do the same.

Because anyone who has ever struggled to achieve anything great knows that the journey to accomplish worthy goals is often fraught with hardship. Achievers know from experience that great tasks often appear improbable — or even impossible — before done.

So don’t waste your time worrying about the doubters who don’t believe in what you’re working to achieve.

Disregard those who find it necessary to point out your mistakes or failures without offering solutions.

Refuse to engage with people who seek to scare you from your chosen path by pointing out all of the things that could go wrong along the way.

And resist the urge to repeatedly explain your goals to those who refuse to understand them.

You don’t need the permission, approval, or understanding of others to achieve great things.

When you receive advice or criticism, be sure to consider its source. Those who know what it means to set lofty goals and struggle to achieve them will offer far more sage advice than those who don’t.

And when in doubt, consult your inner voice.

“Don’t let the noise of others’ opinions drown out your own inner voice.” — Steve Jobs

Originally Published on: Aug 6, 2015 @ 06:05




The situation sucks

Yes, the situation you’re struggling with sucks. But answer this question:

Are you going to let it stop you?

If the answer is no, great! But then that raises another question:

If you’re not going to let your current circumstances stop you, what are you doing beating yourself up and making yourself feel miserable when you could be pushing forward and working on overcoming whatever it is you are struggling with?

For those struggling…

If you are struggling, remember: “This, too, shall pass”. But also know that whatever we are struggling with passes faster when we focus on the steps we can take to change our lives for the better, no matter how small those steps may be. Because over time, even small steps can carry us a great distance.

Always, always, always focus on what you CAN do.

Original version published on: Dec 23, 2018 @ 12:45

Lessons Learned from The Path Less Traveled by Zero Dean

For those struggling, remember, “ThisTooShallPass”. But it passes faster when we focus on the steps we can take to change our lives for the better, no matter how small those steps may be. Because over time, even little steps can carry us a great distance.

— Zero Dean (@ZeroDean) December 23, 2018

How to find your inner voice in difficult times

How to find your inner voice in difficult times

When facing a challenge, ask yourself:

“What would a stronger, more confident, and even better version of myself do in this situation?”

When you truly give it thought and get an answer, that’s your inner voice talking — and it’s generally a good idea to listen to it.


Originally Published on: Jun 7, 2013 @ 19:31

Talking yourself out of taking action

People sometimes have a tendency to beat down their ideas that they were once enthusiastic about. And as a result, they talk themselves out of taking action on things that could add value to their life. And in place of these ideas, they often do nothing – and so life goes on and nothing much changes.

Before you talk yourself out of things you are enthusiastic about by filling your head with doubt, ask yourself how avoiding fear & uncertainty will ultimately add value to your life. If it won’t, it might be time to consider that facing your doubts & fears is actually something that will still be good for you regardless of the outcome of your endeavor.