
Not everyone will understand your journey. That’s fine. It’s not their journey to make sense of. It’s yours.

Zero Dean

Author | Photographer | CG Artist | Filmmaker

Latest news Jan 27 2019

Here’s the latest news…


I’ll be giving away 1 signed copy of my book every month. Details about how to participate this month are in my last update. You have until the end of this month (end of Thursday) to participate.


I’ve rebooted my presence on Facebook. This means I’ve put my old page with 35,000 followers to rest. If you’d like more information on the reason — here’s my new page.  If I get better results this time around, great. If not, then this will be my final Facebook venture before abandoning it completely.

Picture of Zero Dean

Zero Dean

Author of Lessons Learned From The Path Less Traveled. Professional photographer. Filmmaker. Humorist. Into photography, art, kindness, compassion, and living beyond comfort. Normal is boring.