Ways to find encouragement series:
- Train (or re-train) your brain
- Positive thinking
- Goal setting
- Write down your goals
- Manage your time better
- Lighten your load
- Focus on solutions
- Focus on the present
- Don’t be afraid of mistakes
- Believe it to achieve it
- Take it easy on yourself
- Make the best of what you have
Manage your time better.
One effective way to manage your time better is to figure out what it is that you do best and where you are most valuable and productive, and do more of those things.
Specifically, things that truly make a difference and lead you in a direction you want to be going.
It sounds simple, but we always have things in our lives that take up time, but are of very little value in the long run.
This can include watching hours and hours of TV — or browsing the Internet without purpose — when we could be doing something of higher value: perhaps reading a book in the field of our interest, writing down and keeping track of our goals, visualizing where we want to be in 5 years — or really anything that helps us get closer to our goal.
If you’re ever wondering what to do at any given moment, simply ask yourself :
“What can I do right now that is the most valuable use of my time?” and when you have an answer, DO THAT.
The more things you do that are of high value to you in your life in those moments, the quicker you will get to your goals.
“An Unfailing Success Plan: At each day’s end write down the six most important things to do tomorrow; number them in order of importance, and then do them.” — Anonymous
When you effectively manage your time, you feel positive and productive. And that’s encouraging.