
Not everyone will understand your journey. That’s fine. It’s not their journey to make sense of. It’s yours.

Zero Dean

Author | Photographer | CG Artist | Filmmaker

Let them go

It is not your job to try to make everyone love what you post. And making it your job will inevitably result in posting content that leaves you unsatisfied and unfulfilled.

People who are not into what you post or create are not your problem and it isn’t your responsibility to please them. Let them go.

Put your energy into creating content that pleases you and those who like it will find you and appreciate you for it.

When you do this, you’ll never have to worry about confining yourself to other people’s expectations. Stop trying to be someone else and just focus on being the best you that you can be.



Making what you’re inspired to make

Sometimes I get really inspired by the amazing & creative things I see shared online. It makes me want to try to share creative things as well. But then I sometimes hear a voice in my head that says, “What’s the point of even trying? You’ll never produce anything as good as that.” or “You’re so less skilled and so far behind everyone else, why even start?”

The reason I share this is to let you know that if you sometimes battle with a voice like that, you’re not alone. And while I hear the voice more often than I’d like to — and it sometimes slows me down — I refuse to let it deter me from ultimately doing what I want to do.

And you shouldn’t either. Even if you feel behind. And even if you feel like you’re bad at what it is you want to do. Everyone has to start somewhere.

Part of living life to the fullest means making what you’re inspired to make simply because you were inspired to make it.

There is a sense of satisfaction that comes with being able to look at something and say, “I made this.” But you’ll never hear yourself say it if you listen to the voice that stops you from starting. So stop listening to that voice and start listening to the one that says, “Do it anyway.” And realize, even if your goal is to share what you create, you’re not really doing it for others. You’re doing it for you.


Expertise and avoiding vs overcoming problems

I don’t consider myself an expert in anything. Everything I share online and write about in my books is a reflection of something I’ve had to work on to overcome, or in many cases, is something I’m still working on. No matter how much we think we know, there’s always room for improvement.

It is a mistake to think that just because you’ve learned a lesson that it won’t trip you up again multiple times in life.

What life experience provides isn’t necessarily a way to avoid problems, but rather, the confidence of knowing that you can overcome them.

Have the courage to be different

It’s better to have the courage to be different than be the type of person who makes fun of people for having the courage to be different.

One reflects strength & bravery, the other reflects weakness & fear.

If you’re different, be proud of that shit.


Something worth striving for

Imagine if everywhere you went you felt the love of those who were grateful for your existence. Imagine if, with everything you tried, you felt the support of those who want you to succeed.

Would it change how you act? Would it change what you strive for?

While we can’t control others, we can control ourselves. We can be someone who actively encourages people with love, appreciation, and gratitude. We can help combat the criticism and negative judgments that those who are just trying to live fulfilling lives are frequently forced to face.

While we can’t change the world in an instant, the time it takes to lend our support, encouragement, and positive energy to people who can use it can change not just a person’s day, but their life. And while it’s not always easy to change someone’s life for the better, it’s something worth striving for.

In a world of critics…

It is entirely possible to help people without criticizing them or what they do. It is entirely possible to have a disagreement without being disrespectful. It is entirely possible to teach and guide people without abusing them.

There is no shortage of critics, haters, or people who complain about things that they don’t like. There is, however, a severe shortage of people actively encouraging what they do.

Encouraging what you’d like to see more of is a far more elegant and positive solution than constantly complaining about or criticizing things that you don’t.

If your method of “helping” people often involves making them feel bad, you may want to reconsider what it means to be helpful.

In a world of critics, be an encourager.


You don’t do it for your critics

No matter what you do or what you create, it is almost inevitable that someone somewhere won’t like it — even if what you’re doing is generous, selfless, or kind.

Always remember that you don’t do what you do for your critics, you do it for the people who find value in it — even if it’s just one person (or yourself).

Criticism is common. Keep going.
