
Not everyone will understand your journey. That’s fine. It’s not their journey to make sense of. It’s yours.

Zero Dean

Author | Photographer | CG Artist | Filmmaker

Have the courage to be different

It’s better to have the courage to be different than be the type of person who makes fun of people for having the courage to be different.

One reflects strength & bravery, the other reflects weakness & fear.

If you’re different, be proud of that shit.


Feeling like no one truly gets or understands you


If others in your life seem to have an easier time making friends or connecting with people — despite your interest in doing so — it doesn’t mean there’s something wrong with you.

Or if you sometimes feel like no one truly understands or gets you, you’re not alone. Often, this means that “your people” — people like you — are less common (or at least less common where you are) or less likely to indiscriminately reveal their true self to others.

And as much as you may, at times, appreciate your solitude (or not), this lack of connection can sometimes lead to feelings of loneliness or sadness. At times like this, it’s important to appreciate yourself for who you are and to recognize your value as one of your people. Because someone else is out there — who may occasionally feel the same way — and they’re looking to connect with someone just like you.

Be there for them so they do.

Dear Self, I am working on being a better person

Dear Self,

I am working on being a better person.

Please let me be the type of person who I would respect & admire if I saw them in action. Let me greet each new day as another opportunity to get things right. Let me be open to thinking about things in ways I haven’t thought about them before. Let me find ways to make a positive difference in the world, no matter how small, and act upon them when I am able.

Let me be open to the challenge of change. Let me not shy away from things just because they are difficult. Let me face my fears and do things I would like to do even when they make me nervous. Let me be generous with what I have to give away. Let me remember to be grateful for every second that I get to make choices in my life and act upon them.

Let me make at least one person’s day brighter by having been a part of it. Let me accept my mistakes as learning experiences. Let me learn to love myself, flaws and all. Let me not care so much what others think. And let me be confident in my ability to succeed.

Thank you. — Me

Originally Published on: Jan 27, 2012


You’re not here to live someone else’s life

For what it’s worth, when you go about your day without comparing your life to how other people are living theirs, there’s a good chance that you’ll be happier for it.

Be kind & do what you feel is right, but also be mindful of the fact that you’re not here to live someone else’s life, you’re here to live your own.

And, most certainly, don’t let how other people are living their lives dictate how you feel about your own.

Social media servitude

The moment you begin creating content just to feed the machine that is social media, is the moment you become its servant.

If you want to save yourself from burnout or losing sight of what really matters in life, focus on creating content that satisfies your needs, not the machine’s.

Otherwise, you run the risk of being manipulated into creating content & acting in ways that don’t accurately represent who you are or who you want to be. And when this happens, no amount of likes is going to make you happy.

Because the truth is, that in the grand scheme of things, it’s not likes that really matter, it’s the quality of the connection between you, your work, and who you share it with that matters. Potent beats popular.


Telling people what you plan to do


You don’t have to tell people what you plan to do. You can just do it — or not do it. Especially if you have a habit of contradicting yourself.

The same applies to making emotionally triggered ultimatums that may not be adhered to when you’ve calmed down.