
Not everyone will understand your journey. That’s fine. It’s not their journey to make sense of. It’s yours.

Zero Dean

Author | Photographer | CG Artist | Filmmaker

Newsletter: March 6, 2019

My first book features approximately 400 lessons based on actual experiences compiled into a single volume. In the course of 8 years, many of the excerpts of lessons that I published online went viral – reaching a global audience in the tens of millions (often without attribution). Over the years, many of my most viral pieces have been plagiarized or mistakenly attributed to known authors like Paulo Coelho.

I literally devoted thousands of hours to the lessons in this book and thousands more to ensure that its contents – from the first page to the last – were of a consistent high quality & offered something of potential value to readers. I chose to self-publish because publishers are primarily focused on profits above all else and I wanted to be certain that my book met my vision without interference from “the system”. I wanted this book to be about one thing, the potential value it provides. I truly poured my heart into this book & I hope it shows. It’s not perfect, but it’s the best book I could have written without taking years more to write it.

I’m proud of it.

Lessons Learned from The Path Less Traveled Volume 1. It’s on Amazon.

Picture of Zero Dean

Zero Dean

Author of Lessons Learned From The Path Less Traveled. Professional photographer. Filmmaker. Humorist. Into photography, art, kindness, compassion, and living beyond comfort. Normal is boring.