
Not everyone will understand your journey. That’s fine. It’s not their journey to make sense of. It’s yours.

Zero Dean

Author | Photographer | CG Artist | Filmmaker

Life Skills 101

Schools should be required to teach life skills & critical thinking more than on what exact date some wealthy white guy did something during some war that took place hundreds of years ago.

Exact dates and names of wars are easily forgotten and are nowhere near as necessary to know as the skills needed to not just survive, but thrive in the world of today.

  • How to balance a checkbook.
  • How to manage money.
  • How to get a job that suits you.
  • How to get along well with others.
  • How to channel your emotions into something positive.
  • How to communicate effectively.
  • How to learn from mistakes.
  • How to deal with failure.
  • How to deal with depression.
  • How to cope with loss of a parent, friend, or loved one.
  • How to challenge authority respectfully.
  • How to protest peacefully.
  • How to think independently.
  • How to find joy in learning.
  • How not to rush into relationships or marriage or parenthood.
  • How not to end up in divorce.
  • How to be a courteous driver.
  • How to stay healthy.
  • How to deal with stress.
  • How to live within your means.
  • How to be polite.
  • How to respect others.
  • How to beat shyness.
  • How to make friends.
  • How to keep friends.
  • How to overcome fears.
  • How to live in harmony with others.
  • How to be respectful of people that are different than you.
  • How to keep your workspace clean.
  • How to study.
  • How to handle a heavy workload.
  • How to take risks.
  • How to dance.
  • How to listen.
  • How to be yourself.
  • How to find your inner voice.
  • How to teach effectively.
  • How to help others.
  • And how to put a roll of toilet paper on the spindle.

We are left to learn these things on our own when, instead, they should be the curriculum upon which all other skills are added.

If every person knew all these things, the world we live in would be a different place.

Please note:

My list is not about suggesting that other things shouldn’t be taught. My list is about prioritizing what we learn and teach based on its ability to help maximize the lives of those who learn it.

What is the purpose of teaching things that provide no real-world practical value beyond the classroom in which they are taught?

And just to be clear, I’m not discounting the importance of history (or any other classes currently taught in school). The takeaways from history are important lessons to learn.

However, I am making an example by discounting the fact that the exact date that some white guy landed his ship on a rock — or who the traitor was in a long-forgotten war — has no direct bearing on anyone’s life today (except maybe those who teach history).

Learning who led what army in what war on what day may be an interesting part of history, but it doesn’t help anyone escape poverty.

And yet this is what children are made to memorize before they eventually enter the adult world and realize that the names and dates they’ve learned won’t have any real practical value in their daily lives.

“Dammit, Phyllis! The reason we’re still poor and unable to afford a proper education for our children is because Benedict Arnold was an American traitor and Paul Revere warned us that the British were coming. Thanks, Obama!”

Critical thinking, problem solving, effective communication, handling stress, and learning to live within one’s means — along with the majority of other life skills listed above — matter a lot more in most people’s lives than the names and dates of wars.

And if these things matter more, doesn’t it make sense that everyone should be learning these skills as soon as subjects are of an appropriate age to learn them?

Doesn’t it make sense that we should all have an equal opportunity to learn the skills necessary to handle life?

“Now hold on,” I hear you say, “Shouldn’t this list be the responsibility of parents to teach?”

Ideally, yes. But here’s the problem, not all parents learned these things. And parents can’t, won’t, or don’t teach what they don’t know.

Nor do they necessarily have what it takes (resources, time, mindset, desire…) to learn them as an adult. People often become set in their ways.

I think that if or when it’s culturally common for parents to actually know all of these things, then we can leave these things in the hands of parents to teach.

But in the world of today, not all parents teach these things and so not all children learn these things — and that’s how a large part of the problem perpetuates itself.

The poor stay poor. Teen pregnancy leads to teen pregnancy. Bad communication breeds bad communication.

But on the other end, the children of the educated get the best education. They get better jobs. They get more opportunities and more chances to make even more money.

And the children of the educated pass on many of these life skills to their children because they are educated.

They know these things, so they can teach these things.

But it’s not happening in every home.

But it could happen in every school.

“…In large part, inequality starts in the crib. Rich parents can afford to spend more time and money on their kids, and that gap has only grown the past few decades. Indeed, economists Greg Duncan and Richard Murnane calculate that, between 1972 and 2006, high-income parents increased their spending on “enrichment activities” for their children by 151 percent in inflation-adjusted terms, compared to 57 percent for low-income parents.

But, of course, it’s not just a matter of dollars and cents. It’s also a matter of letters and words. Affluent parents talk to their kids three more hours a week on average than poor parents, which is critical during a child’s formative early years. That’s why, as Stanford professor Sean Reardon explains, “rich students are increasingly entering kindergarten much better prepared to succeed in school than middle-class students,” and they’re staying that way.

It’s an educational arms race that’s leaving many kids far, far behind.” — By Matt O’Brien from this Washington Post article

Supplemental reading:



We are the human race

Broaden your mind and your horizons. Get out of your comfort zone. Familiarize yourself with the unfamiliar. And go to places you’ve never been.

It’s a big world with a lot of history. We’re all just visiting for a short time.

Take some time to get to know the other guests that you share the planet with, regardless of how different from you that they may appear at first glance.

We are the human race.

We have more in common with the other people alive on this planet today than any other species that has ever existed since the dawn of time.

We inhabit a giant rock that sustains us as we rocket through the vast expanse of space at 67,000 miles per hour.

We were all born on this rock and we will all likely die here as well.

Our time is now. Today. Here on this planet. The third rock from the sun.

This moment and every moment that passes is gone.


The future is guaranteed to no one.

Get to know your neighbors. Get to know your planet. Locally. Internationally.

Yes, it can be scary and the world can be a dangerous place at times, but so can a bathtub or the bottom stair in a dark basement.

And you may just find when you get out there that the world we live in isn’t always as frightening as the one portrayed on television. And that not everyone who doesn’t come from where you come from or believe what you believe is out to get you.

Most people wish to live in harmony here. Most people would rather make a friend than an enemy.

Some of the best experiences you haven’t yet had are out there. As are some of the best friends you’ve never met.

Friends that may look or sound nothing like you. Friends that may come from a different part of the world. Friends that may have a completely different background. Or friends that may root for the opposing team.

Be open to the possibilities.

Because your friends are waiting. And some of the best experiences of your life await you as well.


The justification of everything

  • I steal because I’m poor.
  • I poach endangered animals because I’m trying to feed my family.
  • I flipped that guy the finger because he cut me off in traffic.
  • I beat my dog because he crapped on the carpet again.
  • I’m a drug addict because it helps me cope with life.
  • I hate on a particular group because their beliefs are against my religion.
  • I hit my girlfriend because she was pissing me off.
  • I treat men poorly because a man was abusive to me.
  • I litter because it’s someone else’s job to pick it up.
  • I run red lights when I’m in a hurry.
  • I’m demanding of wait staff because it is their job to serve me and I expect good service.
  • I work for an evil company because I need the job.
  • I double park because I don’t want my doors to get dented.
  • I shot an unarmed kid because I felt threatened.
  • I text when I drive because I’m careful, unlike everyone else.

These are some extreme examples, but they do demonstrate that everyone feels justified when they choose to do something.

Regardless of whether the outcome of an action is considered “good” or “bad”, everyone does things for reasons they consider reasonable at the time.

Knowing this is an important key to understanding people.

(Having made this point, I want to make it clear that the ends don’t always justify the means.

Having a reason for bad or immoral behavior doesn’t excuse it. But if you want to find common ground or communicate effectively with people, it’s important to understand that everyone has what they feel are legitimate reasons for what they choose to do.

Although sometimes those reasons stem from ignorance or a lack of self-awareness.)

