
Not everyone will understand your journey. That’s fine. It’s not their journey to make sense of. It’s yours.

Zero Dean

Author | Photographer | CG Artist | Filmmaker

“I’ve heard it before.”

“I’ve heard it before.” Of course you have. Who hasn’t?

Like many, my goal isn’t to reinvent the wheel. My goal is to share things in a way that make the message I’m trying to share click with people. And other times, it’s just to remind people of something they already know simply because it’s been helpful to me and I feel like sharing it.

So yeah, you’ve probably heard it before. And one of these days someone will eventually say it in a way that actually makes it meaningful to you. Because if it was meaningful to you, you likely wouldn’t mind hearing it again.

Right, wrong, and progress

You’re not always right. And those who oppose you are not always wrong.

The world isn’t black & white. Sometimes both parties can be “right” (even if they share different views). And sometimes both parties can be wrong.

It’s frequently far more valuable to consider where you want things to go — and the problems you want to solve — than it is trying to prove who’s right and who’s wrong.

Differences should be appreciated

Your preferences are just that, *your* preferences. They are not a universal standard. Variety & options are a good thing.

Just because someone doesn’t share your affection or dislike for something doesn’t mean they deserve to be mocked or ridiculed because of it. And it doesn’t make them your enemy unless you choose to live like it does.

Differences should be appreciated, not used to further fragment a world already severely suffering from a lack of love, unity, and support at nearly all levels of human existence.

The shocking truth about people with different views

Shockingly, research indicates that it’s not just possible to express one’s views without being an asshole, it’s actually possible for people with different views to have an amiable relationship.

Sounds crazy, but it’s worth considering.
