
Not everyone will understand your journey. That’s fine. It’s not their journey to make sense of. It’s yours.

Zero Dean

Author | Photographer | CG Artist | Filmmaker

If you know you need to change your life for the better…

Unless you’ve specifically hired someone in your life to do it, it’s not someone else’s job to look out for you. It’s not someone else’s job to protect you from things that may do you harm. It’s not someone else’s job to keep you healthy. It’s not someone else’s job to make sure you do everything you want to do in life. These things are your responsibility.

If you’ve veered off course in life or you’re doing things you know are bad for you, it’s up to you to change that.

The only person stopping you from bettering yourself is you.

If you know you need to change your life for the better, focus on what you can do to change it and start today.


No one can make you get fit.

No one can make you get fit. And no one can stop you from getting fit if you truly want to. Your fitness is your choice.

Originally Published on: Sep 15, 2013 @ 06:20


Making progress is more important than making excuses

While you are still waiting to find an easy way (or a perfect time), someone else is already getting results because they decided making progress is more important than making excuses.


Originally published on: Sep 10, 2012 @ 16:17

Struggling with New Year’s resolutions

Lessons Learned from The Path Less Traveled by Zero Dean

If you’re starting to struggle with your NewYearsResolutions it’s probably because you’re trying to initiate too much change at once. This leads to feeling overwhelmed & quitting. Focus on making progress on 1 goal or 1 part of it & keepgoing. Add complexity/more goals later.

— Zero Dean (@ZeroDean) January 17, 2019

Change your priorities and you change your life.

Excerpt from:

Change your priorities and you change your life. It’s that simple. (But it isn’t easy)

Life is really simple, but we insist on making it complicated.” — Confucius


Change your priorities and you change your life. It's that simple.

If you have the power to change something that is holding you back, and you don’t…

Your diet, your health, your job, your career, your relationships…

If you have the power to change something that is holding you back, and you don’t, that’s a choice, not a limitation.


There are many things in this world that you are not responsible for…

There are many things in this world that you are not responsible for (and have no control over). Your health, diet, education, attitude, inner peace, happiness, and how informed you are (are not among those things). Those are a reflection of choices you make every day.



[anonymous]: i would take health off this list. i understand that our choices can shape our health in some ways, but not in all ways. many people suffer from diseases they did nothing to cause or contribute to. otherwise, i’m with you!

Zero: I’m inclined to leave it, and here’s why:

No one chooses to get sick, but the vast majority of diseases are caused by diet (controllable), stress (controllable), willful association with things that are known to have adverse effects on health such as smoking, drinking, hazardous work environments, etc (all controllable).

Yes, there are always exceptions (and always exceptions to pretty much any quote or concise piece of advice, but then they wouldn’t be easily digestible). It is rare one can offer a simple bit of advice and have it apply to everyone and every situation without exceptions.

But for the vast majority of people who can read this post, this applies.

It does not apply so much to people who cannot read or live in a third world country. Or people who are incarcerated. Or people with mental issues or chemical imbalances or have suffered from severe trauma. Or children who are born into sickness or are afflicted by disease very early on in life. But then, I’m not speaking to those people and wouldn’t expect them to read this.

For what it’s worth, this is only meant to be somewhat encouraging and reinforcing to the people who do read what I write. “You’re right, I do have control over what I eat. I will eat better.” or “You’re right, I do have control over my fitness. I will exercise more.” or “You’re right, I do have control over my education. I will pick up a book or watch some educational videos and start learning about something that interests me.”

For those that I think it will be most useful to, are the ones I think it will probably piss them off to read it.

“I didn’t choose to get fat.” or “I can’t run because my knees hurt, so how do you expect me to exercise?” or “I’m not happy because my life sucks.”

I think much of the world would rather blame others for the state of their health or their lives than take personal responsibility for it.

It can be difficult making that switch — not everyone wants that kind of responsibility or to make that kind of effort.

But as one quote goes, “The truth with set you free. But first it will piss you off.”
