
Not everyone will understand your journey. That’s fine. It’s not their journey to make sense of. It’s yours.

Zero Dean

Author | Photographer | CG Artist | Filmmaker

New year, new book, old project

FEBRUARY 27, 2025:

Today (the day I’m writing this little note at the top of this post is February 27, 2025). The post below was written in 2021. There have been other news posts since then, but they aren’t visible because the news is no longer relevant. That said, I didn’t want someone to see this page and think I haven’t had any news since 2021. But I also don’t have any new news as of this moment… but the moment I do, it will be posted and this note will be edited out.

The start of a new year

This past year has been a very challenging year for many (myself included) and in so many different ways. Whether my note finds you thriving or just surviving, I truly hope this coming year is a positive one for you and everyone you care about.

I hope you will join me in ringing in the new year by encouraging more appreciation and less criticism.

More love and less hate.
More tolerance and less judgment.
More generosity and less greed.
More personal responsibility and less trying to control others.
More efficiency and less waste.
More cooperation and less competition.
More encouragement and less disapproval.
More respect and less disdain.
More living within one’s means and less debt.
More patience and less aggressiveness.
More unification and less divisiveness.

And much more of all the things that help make a positive difference in the world and much much less of the things that don’t.

Remember, if you want more kindness in the world, put some there.


Kindle sale $5.19

The normal price of the Kindle edition of my book is $9.99. Amazon recently suggested that $5.19 might be the sweet spot price in prompting enough additional sales that I might actually earn more royalties than I would if I keep the price at $9.99.

So I’m going to run a test for the next week or two to see if there’s any truth to that. So if you’d like to pick up a copy of my book for almost 50% off, now is a good time. Or if you know someone who might want to read it, now would be a good time to let them know.

If I do see an increase in sales, I may just keep it at $5.19. If not, it’s back to $9.99 — as my book has actually been doing quite well at that price point recently. And yes, it’s currently discounted on Amazon sites worldwide.

Oh, and if you’re not following me on Amazon, why don’t you go ahead and do that. :)

August 8, 2020:

The odd irony here is that whenever I reduce the price of my book, I sell fewer copies, not more. And that’s what has happened here. So, as of today, I’m adjusting the sale price to its usual $9.99.

New site notifications settings

You know how it’s nice to be able to turn on notifications for people you follow online on Youtube or Instagram? You now have that same option when it comes to the content on my site.

Simply visit (works best with chrome browser) and when the receive notifications window pops up, click yes.

Then click “allow” when the next “show notifications” window pops up.

That’s it!

Now the next time I post content on my site, you will receive a notification on your Mac, PC, or Android phone (not available on iOS devices at this time).

The great thing about this option is you get it almost instantly. No more waiting several hours or more before an email shows up in your inbox.

And yes, you can easily unsubscribe from notifications at any time.

In light of current events – book price reduction

In light of current events, I’m reducing the price of the kindle edition of my book from $10 to the lowest price Amazon will allow — .99 cents.

If I could make it free, I would. As it is, I will make between 10 and 30 cents per sale.

If you already own it, you can gift it to as many people as you wish at this price. If you find value in it, please consider leaving a review.

If the price isn’t yet adjusted in your part of the world, please check back later — this price will be reflected worldwide.

Trip & Tour Status Feb 2020

Here’s a little status update…

If you didn’t know, I’m currently traveling the USA interviewing people for a documentary series & podcast about resilience & hope.

See for details and apply if you wish to be considered (or tell anyone you know who might).

I’m also shooting portraits as I travel, available for speaking engagements, book signings, and open to simply meeting for the fun of it.

So drop me a line via any of the numerous ways to get in touch with me.

My book’s sales by city

I’m sure this is nowhere near as interesting to you as it is to me, but I accidentally came across my “book sales by city” data and am rather surprised by some of the results.

If you bought my book, is your city represented?

Also, HELLO NEW YORK! 🤘🏻🔥💛🤗

And if you’re one of the people who has bought my book — or you’re thinking about it — THANK YOU.

My book’s sales by city (Jan 2019-Feb 2020)

1. New York, NY
2. Cincinnati, OH
3. Los Angeles, CA
4. Portland-PolandSpring, ME
5. Philadelphia, PA
6. Portland, OR
7. Albuquerque, NM
8. Phoenix, AZ
9. Raleigh-Durham, NC
10. SF-Okland-San Jose
11. San Diego, CA
12. Washington, DC
13. Atlanta, GA
14. Baltimore, MD
15. Boston, MA
16. Denver, CO
17. Detroit, MI
18. Fresno-Visalia, CA
19. Houston, TX
20. Seattle-Tacoma, WA
21. Albany-Schnctady-Troy, NY
22. Charlotte, NC
23. Chicago, IL
24. Dallas-Ft. Worth, TX
25. Dayton, OH
26. Flint-Saginaw-BayCity, MI
27. Kansas City, KS-MO
28. Miami, FL
29. Nrflk-Prtsmth-NwptNws-Hmp
30. Providence-New Bedford,RI
31. Sacramento-Stockton, CA
32. Salt Lake City, UT
33. Tampa-St.Petersburg, FL
34. Austin, TX
35. Baton Rouge, LA
36. CdarRpds-Wtrloo-Dubuqu,IA
37. Chattanooga, TN
38. ColoradoSprngs-Pueblo, CO
39. Columbus, OH
40. Ft. Myers-Naples, FL
41. Hartford-New Haven, CT
42. Indianapolis, IN
43. Jacksonville, FL
44. Johnstown-Altoona, PA
45. Memphis, TN
46. Minneapolis-St. Paul, MN
47. Richmond, VA
48. Rochester, NY
49. San Antonio, TX
50. Southbend-Elkhart, IN

*Smaller cities when combined rank #2

Newsletter: December 27, 2019

Happy New Year!

This is just a quick update to give you an idea of what’s going on in my life and some changes I’m making on social media.

For 2020, I’ve decided to convert my @zerodean.official Instagram to a private account and I’ve begun to purge followers I don’t recognize & never interact with.

By going private, I hope to establish a more meaningful & intimate connection with those who follow my personal Instagram by engaging with people more directly.

I have several thousand followers I don’t recognize (about 13,000 before I started purging), so if you do, in fact, want to continue following me and I purge you by accident, feel free to send a follow request. This isn’t about restricting access to my posts, it’s about increasing engagement and making sure that the people who want to see my posts actually do. And if you don’t want to be accidentally purged, be sure to engage with me or a post in some way so I recognize you.

Otherwise, you can follow my writing at and my photography at

My personal Instagram account will continue to contain a random assortment of posts – from photos and videos to musings and more. I also plan on posting more often.

I don’t care how many (or how few) people follow me. What I care about is the quality of the connection. Here’s to making 2020 about deeper & more meaningful connections.


Where am I?

After spending 3 or so weeks in Key West, I’m now in the Miami area. I’ve been waiting for the winter holidays to pass before re-engaging my video interview and podcast project about resilience and hope. Things should be picking up again on that front soon. I should also have some random photoshoots to do in the near future as well — just to keep things interesting.

And finally…

And finally, if you bought my book for yourself or someone else or received my book for the holidays, let me know. I’d love to hear from you.

And if you haven’t bought my book and are thinking about buying the digital edition, you may want to hold off a bit as I’m thinking about having another kindle sale in the near future.

Ok, that’s it for now. I hope are having a great holiday season. I hope those of you in cold areas are keeping warm — and those of you in warm areas are keeping cool!

Happy New Year!

Zero Dean

Newsletter: September 22, 2019

Hi Folks,

For the first time ever, the paperback edition of Lessons Learned From The Path Less Traveled is on sale. As of this post, it’s priced 16 cents more than the lowest price Amazon will allow. Which is to say, grab it at this price while you can — without regret — because:

This is likely the cheapest you will ever be able to get the paperback edition of my book — at least from Amazon.

And it’s not available anywhere else. So be sure to plan ahead for the upcoming holidays.

The digital edition is also on sale for $4.99 (retail $9.99), but if you buy the paperback, you can get a digital copy for only $1.99.

Regardless of which version you buy, I make less than $2 on the sale. And in some cases – such as international sales – pennies. So if you believe in what I do & wish to help support my efforts, please consider telling others about this sale & gifting the book to people you care about.

And if you like my book, a review on Amazon would be very much appreciated. Thank you.


I began my tour across the United States in late August. Pictures of my travels can be found on my personal Instagram. Also, after many years of wanting to, I started vlogging — evidence of this can be found on my Instagram via IGTV, but also on my ZDXP YouTube channel.

I’m reserving my primary channel for more refined — one might say, more serious — work. Still, it won’t hurt if you follow either of them.


It’s called The Lessons Learned From The Path Less Traveled Project.

For those who don’t know, I’m currently touring the USA with the purpose of interviewing interesting, inspiring & resilient people who’ve chosen unconventional paths, experienced uncommon things, or who have been subject to difficult or unusual conditions or circumstances on their journey.

These interviews will be released as a video documentary series and supplemented with an audio podcast. I’ve already met with a couple of people — with many more lined up — and have content in the works for both. The first podcast should be released within the next couple of weeks (or sooner) and will be followed up by the first video documentary.

You can read more about my project at — and if you know someone who might like to be a documentary subject or podcast guest, have them apply by following the “apply here” links on the site.

For my current location — including a nifty map of the stops I’ve made — and status, visit the current status page.

That’s it for now. Thanks for reading and thank you for your support! I hope my note finds you having a fantastic day.

Zero Dean