FEBRUARY 27, 2025:
Today (the day I’m writing this little note at the top of this post is February 27, 2025). The post below was written in 2021. There have been other news posts since then, but they aren’t visible because the news is no longer relevant. That said, I didn’t want someone to see this page and think I haven’t had any news since 2021. But I also don’t have any new news as of this moment… but the moment I do, it will be posted and this note will be edited out.
The start of a new year
This past year has been a very challenging year for many (myself included) and in so many different ways. Whether my note finds you thriving or just surviving, I truly hope this coming year is a positive one for you and everyone you care about.
I hope you will join me in ringing in the new year by encouraging more appreciation and less criticism.
More love and less hate.
More tolerance and less judgment.
More generosity and less greed.
More personal responsibility and less trying to control others.
More efficiency and less waste.
More cooperation and less competition.
More encouragement and less disapproval.
More respect and less disdain.
More living within one’s means and less debt.
More patience and less aggressiveness.
More unification and less divisiveness.
And much more of all the things that help make a positive difference in the world and much much less of the things that don’t.
Remember, if you want more kindness in the world, put some there.