
Not everyone will understand your journey. That’s fine. It’s not their journey to make sense of. It’s yours.

Zero Dean

Author | Photographer | CG Artist | Filmmaker

Why I want your email address

Why I want your email address

I want your email address because it provides me with a direct connection to you and allows me to send you information I think you’ll actually want. And here’s the thing, if you ever catch me starting to send you stuff you don’t want, you can just click “unsubscribe” and never get an email from me again. It’s that simple.

What I don’t want to do:

Although product/self-promotion is a necessity in “this biz”, I never want to be the desperate seller trying to peddle a bunch of products to people who have no interest in buying them. That’s not me.

I’m not here to sell you stuff or try to convince that what I have to offer is of value to you. I’m here to try to create things that are of significant value to people — and whether you find enough value in something that you want to buy it entirely is up to you.

I’m not into the hard sell, I’m not driven to make money, and I’m not here to get rich. I’m here to create things with the potential to help people. My focus is always on the potential value of what I have to offer, not on what I want to get by selling it. Yes, I need money to survive, but I also believe that if you truly provide something of value, people will enthusiastically pay for it.

What I would like to send you:

  • Significant news on what I’m up to about things that will hopefully interest you
  • Opportunities for discounts on things I have to offer (currently that’s just 1 book, but there will be more) so you don’t have to pay full price
  • Opportunities to get valuable things for free


Yes. For example, the e-book version of Lessons Learned from The Path Less Traveled will be was free for a day on Amazon (regular price: $9.99). I have away $26,000 worth of books. For free.

In the future, I will be providing opportunities to get significant discounts. If you want to know when that will be, subscribe to my updates.

If I knew when that was going to be, I’d just tell you and you could set an alarm on your phone. Because the fact is, I want as many people as possible to be able to read my book. But I also know it’s worth far more than $9.99. 

I put many years of my life into this book, so I’m not going to make it seem “cheap” by pricing it with the low-quality bargain books or by making it free or discount it forever.

Think about gaining valuable insight that could impact the rest of your life in a positive way. What would that be worth to you? Chances are it would be worth a lot more than $9.99/$18.95.

How often will I send updates?

I send out updates anytime I have significant news. Lately, that’s been less than one per month, but it could go up. My updates are sent based on the availability of news I want to share and not based on a set schedule.

I once went 18 months without sending out an update. I don’t think you’ll get too many emails from me.

What about just subscribing to my blog?

I do send out my most important updates to my blog subscribers. So if you’re subscribed to my blog, you’re not going to miss the major stuff. However, my email updates go out shortly after I write them, but my blog is only delivered on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays. This means it’s possible you could miss a limited-time opportunity simply because of when my news was delivered to you.