Glossary of Terms
Addled: Crazy. Insane. Acting against common sense & reason without purpose.
Admiral: (see also Commodore and Beacon). Someone who is seen as a leader in the fight against the zombie virus.
Commodore: (see also Admiral and Beacon). An inspiring person that works to promote the Pirates vs Zombies movement. A consistent source of motivation. Someone who sets a good example for others to follow.
Adrift: Floating through life without goals.
Adventure: A venture involving calculated risk.
ARRR!: A multipurpose term — usually positive. Can be used as a greeting.
ARRRGH!: A multipurpose term — usually denoting something negative has occurred.
Articles: (see also Pirate Code). A set of guidelines used to help direct pirates.
Avast: Stop or cease.
Aye: Yes! An affirmation.
Barnacle: (see also Careening. Something that sticks to the hull of a pirate’s ship, slowing it down. A barnacle is an obstacle, distraction, or bad habit that requires attention (Careening) to allow a ship to remain fast in the water.
Batten down the hatches: (see also Stormy Seas). To prepare for stormy seas.
Beacon: (see also Commodore and Admiral). An inspiring person (or event) that is a source of motivation. Someone who sets a good example for others to follow.
Black Jack: (see also Jolly Roger). A pirate’s flag. A symbol of free-thinking & independence.
Blethering (verb): (past tense: blathering) Speaking nonsense. Often spoken by those who are addled.
Bloodthirsty: Passionate & driven. Working with a sense of purpose.
Booster Shot: An act or event that inspires & motivates a pirate. A booster shot further helps a pirate resist the negative influence of Zombies & the effects of the Zombie Virus.
Booty: (see also Treasure). An accomplished goal or reward for a job done well.
Bucket List: (see also Chart). A map. A list of things that a pirate would like to before they die. Not to be confused with a Treasure Map.
By the wind: Sailing with the wind.
Captain Morgue: Someone who initially appears to be a pirate, but on further examination reveals that they are insincere or without credibility.
Captain: (see also Admiral and Commodore). Someone who sets a good example livin’ the life of a pirate.
Careening: Removing barnacles & other things that slow a ship down.
Cast-away: (see also Shipwrecked). Burned out. Unproductive. Unable to proceed without re-evaluating one’s goals.
Chart: (see also Bucket List). A map. A list of things that a pirate would like to before they die. Not to be confused with a Treasure Map.
Compass: Resources used to define one’s sense of purpose and direction.
Colours: Identifying markers of a vessel. May include clothing, style, accessories, and appearance.
Davy Joneses: (see also “Keeping up with the Davy Joneses”). A segment of the infected who derive their sense of self-worth from what they own, what they drive, or what they wear.
Ditty Box: A device used for holding a pirate’s valuables — most often a list of things they’d like to attract into their life.
Don’t judge a vessel by its colours: An expression. The equivalent of “Don’t judge a book by its cover.”
Double Dutch: Speaking in a language that makes no sense. Gibberish.
Grog: An alcoholic beverage. Can also refer to rum.
Hang the jib: A lack of smiling. To frown.
Jolly Roger: (see also Black Jack). A pirate’s flag. A symbol of free-thinking & independence.
Keeping up with the Davy Joneses: (see also Davy Joneses). And expression denoting the act of comparing one’s self to others as a way of determining one’s own self worth or social status.
Log: A pirate’s journal — often noting progress or events of significance.
Loose in stays: An expression referring to a pirate’s ship that seems to stall or is unable to attain goals due to lack of discipline.
Loot: (see also Swag). Something desirable acquired during an adventure.
Matey: Friend.
Moan: It’s what zombies do.
Ninja: A master. The epitome of potential.
Ocean: (see also Sea of Serendipity). Where a pirate is in life.
Ocean of Opportunities: When a pirate is presented with multiple positive possibilities, it is said they are “swimming in an/the Ocean of Opportunities”.
Pirate: (details) Maximizers of potential. A person whose talk, enthusiasm, or energy causes others to be more friendly, enthusiastic, or energetic. A passionate person with a sense of purpose. A person that precipitates a positive event or change. Someone with drive and ambition.
Pirate Code: (see also Articles). A set of guidelines and code of conduct used to help direct pirates.
Pistol Proof: A very fortunate pirate. Someone who seems to make all the right decisions and get “lucky breaks”. Often because they work hard and attract what they seek.
Ramshackle: A ship in disrepair. A pirate’s life without purpose or direction.
Scurvy: A disease or obstacle that causes pirates to become demotivated and lack confidence.
Sea: (see also Ocean). Where a pirate is in life.
Sea of Serendipity: (see also Ocean of Opportunities) When a pirate experiences multiple meaningful coincidences, it is said they are “sailing on the Sea of Serendipity”.
Sea Legs: A pirate’s confidence. A pirate who overcomes Scurvy would be said to get their sea legs back.
Set Sail: (see also Weigh Anchor). To begin a journey, adventure, or project.
Ship: A pirate’s place is on his ship. Not to be confused with Vessel.
Shipwrecked: (see also Cast-away). Burned out. Unproductive. Unable to proceed without re-evaluating one’s goals.
Shiver me timbers!: An expression of surprise. It can also denote fear.
Stormy Seas: (see also Batten down the hatches). Challenges. Trials & tribulations.
Swag: (see also Loot). Something desirable acquired during an adventure.
Tacking: Sailing a ship against the wind. Doing something that is hard and necessary to navigate towards a goal.
The Infected: (see also Zombie). Zombies. People are infected with the Zombie Virus.
Treasure Map: (see also Chart). A life plan & purpose with clearly marked goals. Not to be confused with a Chart.
Treasure: (see also Booty). An accomplished goal or reward for a job done well.
Vaccination: (see also Booster Shot). Something that inspires someone exhibiting symptoms of the zombie virus to resist its effects and zombies who are infected.
Vessel: A pirate’s physical body. Not to be confused with Ship.
Weigh Anchor: (see also Set Sail). To begin a journey, adventure, or project.
Zombie Collective: A group of zombies. Peers. People who conform without question — even in the face of good sense & reason.
Zombie Virus: (details) A minimizer of potential. The virus is highly contagious and spreads with ease. Symptoms of the virus vary greatly, affecting their hosts in different ways, but all are known to have a negative impact. Aspects of the infection have been known to lay dormant in their victims, but can be re-animated into action by other carriers of the virus or emotional hardship.
Those showing acute signs of the virus (ie. “Zombies) act as obstacles (barnacle) in pirate’s paths — slowing them down & hindering positive progress.
The most common signs of the infection include any combination of the following: lack of motivation, lack of ambition, cynicism, fear, negativity, and depression.
Zombie: (see also The Infected). Those showing acute signs of the zombie virus. Zombies act as obstacles (barnacle) in pirate’s paths — slowing them down & hindering positive progress. Zombies will often conform to the zombie collective — acting against common sense & reason.