
Not everyone will understand your journey. That’s fine. It’s not their journey to make sense of. It’s yours.

Zero Dean

Author | Photographer | CG Artist | Filmmaker

Ways to find encouragement: Believe it to achieve it

Ways to find encouragement series:

Believe it to achieve it.

While I think being “realistic” is a relative term — and I don’t want to tell anyone to be realistic, I will say that your dreams, whatever they are, have to be believable to YOU.

You have to believe they are achievable. But if you take a close look at what it is you want, and you don’t feel what you want is achievable, that doesn’t mean it’s GAME OVER!

Simply analyze what it is you want and figure out which part(s) you don’t feel are truly attainable — can you still succeed on some level without them? And is that something you truly want? You can always tweak your dreams in a way that make them believable and achievable.

When you are truly believe in your ability to achieve your goals and dreams, it instills you with the confidence that can help you overcome obstacles. And that’s encouraging.


Picture of Zero Dean

Zero Dean

Author of Lessons Learned From The Path Less Traveled. Professional photographer. Filmmaker. Humorist. Into photography, art, kindness, compassion, and living beyond comfort. Normal is boring.