
Not everyone will understand your journey. That’s fine. It’s not their journey to make sense of. It’s yours.

Zero Dean

Author | Photographer | CG Artist | Filmmaker

“I’m an exception”

People are so in the habit of seeing & dismissing warning labels — and making themselves an exception to potential consequences — that something can literally say


and people will still do it.

If you care about your health & the quality of your life, make sure that’s not you.

If you know you need to change your life for the better…

Unless you’ve specifically hired someone in your life to do it, it’s not someone else’s job to look out for you. It’s not someone else’s job to protect you from things that may do you harm. It’s not someone else’s job to keep you healthy. It’s not someone else’s job to make sure you do everything you want to do in life. These things are your responsibility.

If you’ve veered off course in life or you’re doing things you know are bad for you, it’s up to you to change that.

The only person stopping you from bettering yourself is you.

If you know you need to change your life for the better, focus on what you can do to change it and start today.


Building the world where your future self resides

Your current lifestyle, routines & habits are building the world where your future self resides.

By failing to be mindful of how your present-day actions affect the world that your future self has to live in, you’re far more likely to end up with a life that you neither wanted or planned for.

No one can make you get fit.

No one can make you get fit. And no one can stop you from getting fit if you truly want to. Your fitness is your choice.

Originally Published on: Sep 15, 2013 @ 06:20


A strange phenomenon

It is a strange phenomenon when people put more effort into keeping their possessions in good condition than they do their own bodies. Possessions can be replaced, but the bodies we live in must last a lifetime. And they affect every moment of our lives.

Skip and volume control (for your mind)

When you don’t like a song in your playlist or grow tired of one, what do you do? Do you play it even louder? Do you put it on repeat?

No. You skip the song and play something you like better. Because you control your playlist.

So why then would you play the same old tired negative thoughts when they pop into your head over and over again?

You control your thoughts. Learn to hit skip.

Originally Published: June 10, 2014