
Not everyone will understand your journey. That’s fine. It’s not their journey to make sense of. It’s yours.

Zero Dean

Author | Photographer | CG Artist | Filmmaker

A lack of fanfare

At one time or another almost every creator experiences releasing something they’re excited about only to be met with little to no response. This can be demoralizing until you realize it’s normal. And you don’t have to explain it, make excuses for it, or feel bad about it.

Not everything will get the attention you think it deserves. That’s life just keep pushing forward.

Stand behind your work

If people want to appreciate you for something you’ve created – even if you see flaws in it – let them. It is entirely OK to be appreciated & recognized for the things you create even if you’re better now than you were when you created them.

Don’t disparage your work just because you can see flaws in it. If it’s obvious to you what you could have done better, that’s proof you’ve grown. And that’s something to be proud of. And if you created something that people admire, that’s something to be proud of, too.

Don’t deny yourself the recognition for previous accomplishments just because you’ve improved in the time since you accomplished them.

Your life vs disapproval

Not everyone is going to approve of what you choose to do or how you choose to live. And in today’s world, many are keen to let you know when they don’t. Fortunately, this will rarely have any impact on your life unless you choose to let it. Your life is yours to live, not theirs.

Accepting praise

When you are being genuinely appreciated for something, accept it. And if you know you can improve upon what you are being appreciated for, don’t point it out. Just do it.

Everyone is a work-in-progress. That doesn’t mean that we shouldn’t allow ourselves to be appreciated for where we are on our journey.

Just because you’re not on top of the mountain doesn’t mean you can’t be appreciated for the things you’re doing to get there.

Accept yourself

No one cares about your insecurities & imperfections more than you do. The more that you accept & become comfortable with yourself – as you are – the less others will notice or care about the things that once seemed like such a big deal to you.