
Not everyone will understand your journey. That’s fine. It’s not their journey to make sense of. It’s yours.

Zero Dean

Author | Photographer | CG Artist | Filmmaker

The situation sucks

Yes, the situation you’re struggling with sucks. But answer this question:

Are you going to let it stop you?

If the answer is no, great! But then that raises another question:

If you’re not going to let your current circumstances stop you, what are you doing beating yourself up and making yourself feel miserable when you could be pushing forward and working on overcoming whatever it is you are struggling with?

Self-confidence is a byproduct of a stable sense of self-worth.

Self-confidence is a byproduct of a stable sense of self-worth.

A stable sense of self-worth is a byproduct of self-acceptance.

If you wish to be more self-confident, learn to accept yourself as you are.


Originally Published on: Oct 1, 2015 @ 06:33

How to find your inner voice in difficult times

How to find your inner voice in difficult times

When facing a challenge, ask yourself:

“What would a stronger, more confident, and even better version of myself do in this situation?”

When you truly give it thought and get an answer, that’s your inner voice talking — and it’s generally a good idea to listen to it.


Originally Published on: Jun 7, 2013 @ 19:31

Talking yourself out of taking action

People sometimes have a tendency to beat down their ideas that they were once enthusiastic about. And as a result, they talk themselves out of taking action on things that could add value to their life. And in place of these ideas, they often do nothing – and so life goes on and nothing much changes.

Before you talk yourself out of things you are enthusiastic about by filling your head with doubt, ask yourself how avoiding fear & uncertainty will ultimately add value to your life. If it won’t, it might be time to consider that facing your doubts & fears is actually something that will still be good for you regardless of the outcome of your endeavor.

A lack of fanfare

At one time or another almost every creator experiences releasing something they’re excited about only to be met with little to no response. This can be demoralizing until you realize it’s normal. And you don’t have to explain it, make excuses for it, or feel bad about it.

Not everything will get the attention you think it deserves. That’s life just keep pushing forward.

Don’t leave your sense of worth and well-being in the hands of others.


Excerpt from: Likability. Being liked and unliked.

If you want to reach your full potential, then you must learn to accept yourself for who you are & who you want to be and take personal responsibility for your life and how you feel.

And along the way to self-actualization, you must be prepared to be unpopular. Don’t leave your sense of worth and well-being in the hands of others.

Those who achieve greatness in life don’t let others dictate how they feel about themselves — and neither should you.
