
Not everyone will understand your journey. That’s fine. It’s not their journey to make sense of. It’s yours.

Zero Dean

Author | Photographer | CG Artist | Filmmaker

The master of your destiny

People often know exactly what they need to do to get the results they want, but fail to start because they don’t want to put in the work or subject themselves to the discomfort necessary to get from where they are to where they want to be.

Don’t fall victim to your brain telling you that it doesn’t want to do something — that could benefit you or others — because it is challenging or uncomfortable.

Most things you think are difficult to do at the beginning get easier with repetition. Not because the task gets easier, but because you get better at it. Stronger.

Every challenge you face and overcome today helps provide you with the strength & knowledge necessary to overcome the challenges you face tomorrow.

You have it within you to be the master of your destiny by resolving to bravely face the challenges necessary to get the positive results you want in life.

But you must stop trying to cheat your way through life by looking — or waiting indefinitely — for the magic pill or shortcut that never comes.

Do what is necessary to get the results you desire, and the discomfort you feel at the beginning of your journey will greatly diminish — or go away completely — if you commit yourself to getting through it without giving up.

Don’t sacrifice the kind of life and health you truly desire by catering to your short-term comfort over your long-term goals.


You are responsible for the energy you put into the world.

You are responsible for the energy you put into the world.

When you are consciously aware of the kind of energy you project, you’re more likely to act and communicate in accordance with what you truly want out of your interaction with people.

Who would you rather interact with:

  • Someone with a tense and angry face or someone with a smile?
  • Someone who actively wants to solve a problem or someone who just wants to complain?
  • Someone who is cynical and pessimistic or someone who prefers to look on the bright side of life?

When you put out positive energy, you are much more likely to receive positive energy back. And, of course, the opposite is also true.

People respond to your facial expression, your body language, the words you use when you speak, and the tone of voice when you speak them.

If you frequently find yourself at odds with others, it may be a sign to re-evaluate the energy you’re carrying and realigning yourself with your true intentions.

If you want more of the good stuff in life, start by giving it. Because, remember, what you send out comes back to you.



Someone should do something


If you’ve ever thought:

“Someone should do something!”

Remember: You’re someone.

You may not be able to do everything, but you can always do something.

Don’t let what you can’t do stand in the way of what you can do.



How big is your box?

I’ve said this before, but we, as individuals, are almost entirely responsible for building the “boxes” we choose to live in as well as for tying our own strings.

Little by little through life, we often change who we are — or how we act — in order to fit within other people’s expectations of who they think we are and how we think they think we should act.

In short, if you choose to act a certain way to please certain people, you do it at the expense of your true self and your true desires.

Yes, social norms exist for a reason. And there is a time and place for everything. And not all content is suitable for all audiences. And first impressions do matter — and so does being likable…

But you do yourself a disservice if you continually edit or censor yourself out of fear of what you think others will think.

I’ve also said this before, not everyone will like you — and that is perfectly ok!

What’s important is that you like you — and enough other people like you enough to show that you’re not a complete assclown.

Because being yourself is important, but so is not being an assclown.


Who is in charge?

Who is in charge of your life, your health, your fitness, your education, and your voice in the world?




“It’s too late.”


Most people use the phrases “It’s too late”, “I’m too old.”, “It’s been done.”, “I already know what the answer will be.” or “Why even bother.” as an excuse to give up without ever putting in any effort to see if they are mistaken.

It is a disservice to your life to imagine your limits without ever making an attempt to see where they truly are. The vast majority of people on the planet are capable of achieving far more than they let themselves believe.

You’ll never get a “yes” if you never ask. You won’t get the job if you don’t apply. You can’t win if you don’t play. And you’ll never do great things unless you make the effort and try.


Change your priorities and you change your life.

Excerpt from:

Change your priorities and you change your life. It’s that simple. (But it isn’t easy)

Life is really simple, but we insist on making it complicated.” — Confucius


Change your priorities and you change your life. It's that simple.

“Well, I tried.”

“Well, I tried.”

Yes, today you tried. But what about tomorrow, or the day after that, or the day after that?

The fact is, in the game of life, you don’t always get another chance, but in those times when you do, why wouldn’t you take it?

Success, more often than not, is built upon a foundation of failure.

If you tried and failed, the answer isn’t to stop trying. The answer is — in many cases — to keep trying different things until you succeed. Especially in those things that matter to you the most.

Success is 99 percent failure.” — Soichiro Honda
