
Not everyone will understand your journey. That’s fine. It’s not their journey to make sense of. It’s yours.

Zero Dean

Author | Photographer | CG Artist | Filmmaker

Your life story


“Today, I persevered.”
“Today, I tried something new.”
“Today, I learned a new skill.”
“Today, I made someone smile.”
“Today, I went outside my comfort zone.”
“Today, I encouraged someone.”
“Today, I showed appreciation & gratitude.”
“Today, I made progress toward my goals.”
“Today, I was a force for good.”
“Today, I loved everything about how I acted and how I lived.”

“Today, was a great day.”

Your life story is written by you — one day at a time. Make it worth telling.


Life is short.


Life is short.

Have a purpose. Set goals. Complete as many as possible.

Live with intention. Don’t waste your time caught up in things that don’t matter. But take time to smell the flowers or stare up at the sky and marvel in wonder.

Live with integrity. Set the example you’d like to see.

Connect with those things that fuel your passions.

Stray from your comfort zone now and again. Try new things. Stretch yourself.

Find someone or something you can be good for.

Wear your invisible cape.

Every day.

Even on Mondays.



Life is not a competition

Never give up on a dream just because of the time it will take to accomplish it. The time will pass anyway.” — Earl Nightingale

Never give up on what you desire in life just because someone else appears to have an easier time getting what they desire or is making progress more quickly than you are.

Remind yourself as necessary that life is not a competition and that some people will always make progress more quickly than others. That’s life.

But your life, your circumstances, and your goals are your own. Don’t let the simple fact that others are working on and achieving their goals deter you from working on and achieving your own.

Always remember that every little step you take towards a goal — no matter how small — is progress.




The persistent drip

Dripping water hollows out stone, not through force but through persistence.” — Ovid

By focusing your efforts and concentrating on doing what you can with what you have, you can prevail over many of the biggest obstacles standing between you and what you want to accomplish.

Whatever your goals may be, even small actions can make a huge difference when performed with consistency and a persistent focus.

Stop waiting. Start doing.



“That doesn’t count.”

“That doesn’t count.”

Sometimes people will try to trivialize your accomplishments in order to feel better about themselves.

Never let someone’s own sense of self-worth interfere with your self-esteem or sense of accomplishment. Because your efforts and achievements in life — no matter how small — count.

Life isn’t a competition. It isn’t about comparing yourself to others. It’s about trying to be better than the person you were yesterday.

While we may cross paths, the route each of us takes through life is unique. And a step forward is a step forward, regardless of how small your stride is or how long is takes you to get somewhere.

So go slow if you must. And make mistakes — as everyone does — and learn from them.

Just keep going and don’t let others — or their achievements — get you down.

And remember, no two people are on the same journey through life.


Marketing and media manipulation

Dear marketers, media, and advertisers –

There is a huge difference between fulfilling people’s actual needs and preying on people’s weaknesses or desires. Marketing doesn’t have to be so manipulative.

Don’t try to sensationalize it. Don’t create conflict where none exists. Don’t promise me miracles. Don’t try to bait and switch me. Don’t feed on my fears. Just provide me with the facts. Let me make up my own mind. Stop all the bullshit.

Want to fill a niche? Want to fulfill people’s needs? The answer is integrity. We need integrity in marketing, the media, and our relationships now more than ever.

Prove to me you’re honest, authentic, and have integrity, and you will have a loyal customer/consumer/friend and someone who will work on your behalf to provide honest word-of-mouth for life.

That is far more valuable in the long run than meeting your short-term & short-sighted goals, monthly quotas, and quarterly reports.


Marketing and media manipulation

The most successful people in the world

“Sometimes life’s going to hit you in the head with a brick. Don’t lose faith. I’m convinced that the only thing that kept me going was that I loved what I did.” — Steve Jobs

Even the most successful people in history have had their confidence rocked (video), their good ideas questioned & ridiculed, and the door of opportunity slammed in their face.

The brick walls are there for a reason. The brick walls are not there to keep us out; the brick walls are there to give us a chance to show how badly we want something.” — Randy Pausch

Even the most successful, most intelligent, most attractive, and most beloved people in the world have felt tired, lonely, scared, ugly, stupid, and alone.

Even the most successful people in the world have set goals, made mistakes and suffered serious setbacks and failure.

Success is 99 percent failure.” — Soichiro Honda

But what made many of the most successful people in the world successful is that they persisted. They had the desire, the determination, the passion, and the will to succeed. And they used it.

And that made all the difference.

Success isn’t a magical thing that some people can have and others cannot. It’s something you work for.

As Steve Jobs also said:

Everything around you that you call life was made up by people that were no smarter than you and you can change it, you can influence it, you can build your own things that other people can use. Once you learn that, you’ll never be the same again.” (video)




To Do: Write down your goals

Today’s To Do Item:

Write down your goals.

Committing your goals to writing can have a massive impact on the likelihood of their accomplishment. And it’s free. Just do it.

“The average stream of consciousness includes about 1,500 thoughts a minute. If your goals are only in your mind, they are invariably jumbled up, vague, confused, contradictory and deficient in many ways. They offer no clarity and give you no motive power. You become like a ship without a rudder, drifting with the tides, crashing into the rocks inevitably and never really fulfilling your true potential.” — Brian Tracy

Today's To Do Item: Write down your goals

Watch this video by Brian Tracy:

Be your own champion when no one else will.

You won’t always get the support you want. Your ideas will often be rejected or criticized before they are accepted. Your goals may seem unreasonable or impractical to others.

If this is ever the case, remember this: Sometimes you just have to suck it up and be your own champion when no one else will.

Do this — instead of quitting — and you will accomplish great things. Not because others believe in you, but because you believe in yourself.


