
Not everyone will understand your journey. That’s fine. It’s not their journey to make sense of. It’s yours.

Zero Dean

Author | Photographer | CG Artist | Filmmaker

You start at zero and you add one

You start at zero and you add one.
And then you add another.
This is how it’s done.

Zero steps of a journey you want to take.
Zero miles you want to run.
Zero things you want to make.
Zero things you want to do for fun.

You start at zero and you add one.
And then you add another.
This is how it’s done.

Originally Published on: Oct 1, 2019

In a world of critics…

It is entirely possible to help people without criticizing them or what they do. It is entirely possible to have a disagreement without being disrespectful. It is entirely possible to teach and guide people without abusing them.

There is no shortage of critics, haters, or people who complain about things that they don’t like. There is, however, a severe shortage of people actively encouraging what they do.

Encouraging what you’d like to see more of is a far more elegant and positive solution than constantly complaining about or criticizing things that you don’t.

If your method of “helping” people often involves making them feel bad, you may want to reconsider what it means to be helpful.

In a world of critics, be an encourager.


Making life changes manageable

Feeling inspired to make some healthy changes?

Remember to start small to keep things manageable. The commitment necessary to consistently making the time to do something new can be just as important as what you choose to do with that time.

People often attempt to do too much before they’re capable of sustaining it or before their body or mental state is ready.

If it’s been a while since you’ve done something physical, it’s likely that doing far less of that activity than you can physically do will leave you sorer than you imagine.

Too many people make the mistake of testing their physical limits on day one of their new workout routine and then put themselves out of commission for several days because they’re too sore to continue. If you don’t want to immediately set yourself back, consider doing less than you feel capable of and then ramping up based on how you feel the next day.

It’s also important to keep in mind that a large part of physical health is dependent on a person’s diet.
And while it’s important to consider both physical and dietary changes, the same concept applies — attempting to do too much, too soon can be unsustainable.

Keep this in mind as you move forward with your intentions to make life-altering changes.

And when it comes to your mental and physical health, be sure to consult a paid professional when necessary.

Where’s your respect?

One of the most significant aspects of living a happy, healthy, and fulfilling life comes down to respect.

Respect for yourself, your body, and your goals. Respect for other people, their property, and their beliefs. Respect for your time and other people’s time. Respect for your relationships, your community, and your environment. And countless other things.

Nearly every important aspect of life deteriorates without respect.

Where is your respect (or lack thereof) reflected in your life?

You don’t do it for your critics

No matter what you do or what you create, it is almost inevitable that someone somewhere won’t like it — even if what you’re doing is generous, selfless, or kind.

Always remember that you don’t do what you do for your critics, you do it for the people who find value in it — even if it’s just one person (or yourself).

Criticism is common. Keep going.


Social media servitude

The moment you begin creating content just to feed the machine that is social media, is the moment you become its servant.

If you want to save yourself from burnout or losing sight of what really matters in life, focus on creating content that satisfies your needs, not the machine’s.

Otherwise, you run the risk of being manipulated into creating content & acting in ways that don’t accurately represent who you are or who you want to be. And when this happens, no amount of likes is going to make you happy.

Because the truth is, that in the grand scheme of things, it’s not likes that really matter, it’s the quality of the connection between you, your work, and who you share it with that matters. Potent beats popular.


When you truly believe in yourself

When you truly believe in yourself and what you intend to do, it matters far less — if at all — when others don’t.

Remember, you are not here to confine yourself to other people’s expectations. You are here to live life in whatever way that brings meaning & purpose to it.

You and your life are a work-in-progress and will be every second that you exist until your expiration date.

Set goals worth striving for — even if they’re lofty — and begin the journey to accomplish them. Recognize that mistakes are how we learn & failure is simply feedback, it is not the end.

Take what you learn from all life experiences — the “good” & especially the “bad” — and keep pushing forward with a purpose the best that you are able to.
