
Not everyone will understand your journey. That’s fine. It’s not their journey to make sense of. It’s yours.

Zero Dean

Author | Photographer | CG Artist | Filmmaker

Talking yourself out of taking action

People sometimes have a tendency to beat down their ideas that they were once enthusiastic about. And as a result, they talk themselves out of taking action on things that could add value to their life. And in place of these ideas, they often do nothing – and so life goes on and nothing much changes.

Before you talk yourself out of things you are enthusiastic about by filling your head with doubt, ask yourself how avoiding fear & uncertainty will ultimately add value to your life. If it won’t, it might be time to consider that facing your doubts & fears is actually something that will still be good for you regardless of the outcome of your endeavor.

When discomfort doesn’t fade

In most cases – under normal circumstances – discomfort always fades. If, over a prolonged period of time, you find yourself increasingly uncomfortable with any aspect of your life – from your relationships to your mental or physical health to your career – that is a sign that something needs to change and it’s important to take action and do something about it.

While ventures beyond your comfort zone can be very rewarding & healthy, ignoring warning signs and subjecting yourself to long-term term physical or mental pain & suffering is not.

The surprising thing about rejection

Lessons Learned from The Path Less Traveled by Zero Dean

The surprising thing about rejection is how much we allow the fear of it to impact our lives, when in actuality, increasing the rate at which we’re rejected can be extremely beneficial. Putting ourselves in a position where rejection is possible is a sign that we’re attempting something that has the potential to push our boundaries – and by doing so, provide us with something we actually want. And even if we don’t get what we seek, the act of trying to get it provides us with valuable information that can aid us in future attempts & endeavors.

The fact is, by embracing rejection we increase the rate at which we get things we want. No, we won’t always get what we seek, but our attempts at actively getting it are far more likely to yield positive results than if we sit back and do nothing out of fear of being rejected.

The path less traveled is not a walk in the park

While taking the path less traveled can be a very rewarding experience, it is not a walk in the park. Venturing along this path is an exploration of the unknown and an invitation to challenges that cannot be seen at the onset of your journey.

By its very nature, your unconventional journey will likely be one that many won’t understand. But remember, your life is yours to live as you choose. Although the risks are many and the challenges are numerous, so too are the rewards that await those who have the courage to venture off the beaten path.

Don’t let discouragement keep you from reaching your goals

Don’t let discouragement keep you from reaching goals within your grasp. Understand that facing setbacks & being discouraged doesn’t have to lead to quitting. Change your tactics & strategy as needed, but only quit if you know it’s best for you. Otherwise, keep pushing yourself.

— Zero Dean (@ZeroDean) January 17, 2019

The next level


Despite expectations and intentions, everyone’s lives are occasionally punctuated with plateaus upon which little appears to happen.

Reaching a plateau in life is simply a sign that in order for things to advance to the next level, either you or something you’re doing must change.

“Change is not merely necessary to life, it is life.” — Alvin Toffler


Blind optimism

One of the issues with blind optimism is that living your life with blinders on can leave one vulnerable to being exploited by others or simply knocked off balance when something you didn’t see coming happens.

It’s better to live with your eyes open and acknowledge what you can’t control — while directing your attention to what you can — than it is to pretend that the things you don’t wish to see don’t exist.

Whatever you focus on grows stronger because energy flows where attention goes.

So focus your attention on what you desire — and what you wish to change — without putting blinders on, and you will be putting energy where you want it, without losing sight of the larger picture.



Originally published on: Nov 17, 2014 @ 09:05