
Not everyone will understand your journey. That’s fine. It’s not their journey to make sense of. It’s yours.

Zero Dean

Author | Photographer | CG Artist | Filmmaker

Don’t squander your potential…


“Don’t squander your potential living a life that amounts to far less than the one you are capable of living.” — Zero Dean

Originally Published on: Sep 29, 2015



If your present life is hard

If your present life is hard, it’s ok – it isn’t something to beat yourself up about. Beating yourself up over the way things are will only serve to slow you down and make your journey more difficult than it needs to be.

If you’re going to dwell on anything, dwelling on steps you can take to further push your life in the direction you want to go is far more beneficial than beating yourself up over where you are.

Always remember that we learn far more when we struggle than we do when life fails to challenge us.

Whatever it is you’re dealing with now will make you both stronger and wiser if you look for the lessons that can be learned from the experiences you’re having – not because they are easy, but because they are hard. And these are lessons that you will be able to carry with you into the parts of your life that are better because you leaned them.

Confronting discomfort

While being uncomfortable isn’t a joyful experience for almost anyone, dealing with discomfort is an absolutely essential part of life because it is a catalyst for personal growth.

It is entirely possible for something that brings you discomfort at one time in your life to be a source of great joy in another. For example, facing fears and pushing one’s self to try new things is frequently a turning point in many people’s lives. By confronting things that make them uncomfortable, many people learn to not just overcome the discomfort associated with those things, they can actually draw pleasure from them as well.

Think of the person with a fear of heights who takes up skydiving. Or the person with a fear of deep water learning to SCUBA dive.

Just because something doesn’t bring you joy doesn’t mean that you should disregard it. The fact is, even the less joyful aspects of our lives are important because they provide contrast and personal growth.

Growth and Discomfort : Getting outside of your comfort zone

Growth & Discomfort: Getting outside of your comfort zone

Dealing with discomfort, fear, and situations we don’t want be in — or situations that we are completely unfamiliar with — is an absolutely essential part of growth.

Who we are is a result of everything we’ve had to overcome in life and the attitude we chose to adopt during – or as a result of – challenges we’ve had to face.

You can choose to look at difficulties as disruptive and something to dread – or you can look at them as opportunities for growth and self-improvement. Because difficulties & discomfort are simply one side of a coin while opportunities for growth are the other.

You can’t have growth without some degree of discomfort.

We may not be able to choose or even like the challenges that life throws our way, but we can always choose our attitude towards them.

Originally Published on: Nov 5, 2012 @ 15:48



Saved by criticism

“The trouble with most of us is that we would rather be ruined by praise than saved by criticism.” — Norman Vincent Peale

Be confident enough in yourself to listen to criticism and explore views you don’t necessarily agree with — because those who always agree with you will rarely push you to improve as much as those who don’t.

“A wise person knows that there is something to be learned from everyone.” — Unknown



Originally Published on: Feb 16, 2016 @ 11:49

It’s not that we should wish to eliminate all challenges…

Excerpt from: Overcoming overwhelmed

It’s not that we should wish to eliminate all challenges from our lives, but instead focus on developing the strength, discipline, and attitude necessary to effectively deal with each & every one that we encounter.


Originally Published on: Sep 30, 2015 @ 06:22