
Not everyone will understand your journey. That’s fine. It’s not their journey to make sense of. It’s yours.

Zero Dean

Author | Photographer | CG Artist | Filmmaker

When you truly believe in yourself

When you truly believe in yourself and what you intend to do, it matters far less — if at all — when others don’t.

Remember, you are not here to confine yourself to other people’s expectations. You are here to live life in whatever way that brings meaning & purpose to it.

You and your life are a work-in-progress and will be every second that you exist until your expiration date.

Set goals worth striving for — even if they’re lofty — and begin the journey to accomplish them. Recognize that mistakes are how we learn & failure is simply feedback, it is not the end.

Take what you learn from all life experiences — the “good” & especially the “bad” — and keep pushing forward with a purpose the best that you are able to.


He who buys what he does not need…

“He who buys what he does not need steals from himself.” — Swedish proverb

We are in/bordering on a global recession [1] [2] [3] [4] & the future is extremely uncertain. Unemployment is about to skyrocket [1] [2] [3] [4] [5].

Now is the time to conserve your resources for the long haul, not buy expensive toys or go further into debt because you’re bored & shopping is “therapy”. It’s not.

Posted March 20, 2020.

Unemployment claims: As of early April, 2020


A notable reminder

The current state of the world is a notable reminder of how quickly life as we know it can change.

It is also an important reminder of how quickly our actions can change the lives of others.

Be sure to appreciate & support those you can & communicate with those you love.


If you find yourself with free time…

Yes, times are tough. But it’s also a time full of amazing opportunities.

If you find yourself with “free time”, NOW is the time to take advantage of it.

Don’t waste it doing things you could easily do ANY time.

Connect. Write. Make music. Create art. Pursue something you rarely get time to do.

Do something worth remembering that you will thank yourself for.

These may not be beautiful times, but you can still do & make beautiful things despite them.

Write. Make music. Create art. Work on a skill.
Channel your love & passion.

Whatever it is, let your heart & creativity speak through what you produce.

It doesn’t affect me

We live in a world where an unfortunate number of people believe that if something isn’t affecting them directly, it doesn’t matter.

And so people who could avoid making a problem worse don’t take action because they must be personally inconvenienced by something before deciding to do anything about it. And by then, the consequences are worse than they would have been — sometimes catastrophically & irreversibly.


Be the one.

Ideally, we could all go through life without the need for any support other than our own. But the fact is, having the support of — and being encouraged by — just one person can make even extreme challenges much easier to bear.

Be that one person for as many people as possible.
