
Not everyone will understand your journey. That’s fine. It’s not their journey to make sense of. It’s yours.

Zero Dean

Author | Photographer | CG Artist | Filmmaker

People who are really good at hurting people

People who are really good at hurting people have often been hurt by people who are really good at hurting people. And sometimes these people use their negative experiences to excuse themselves for behaving badly.

Break the chain. Refuse to let your pain drive you hurt people.

Convert your hurt into compassion for yourself and others. Be the kind of person you wish was there for you when you needed it.


Being genuinely friendly

Being genuinely friendly to others is the best way to encourage others to be friendly — being unfriendly to those who don’t reciprocate your friendliness isn’t. You show people what you want to see more of by how you act.

If you want more kindness in the world, put some there.

Support what you appreciate

People are often quick to project negative energy towards things they don’t like. Flipping a finger, getting angry, or tapping some keys makes it easy.

Sadly, people putting out positive energy to actively support the things they value & appreciate is far less common.

Be kind.


Don’t get robbed

Refuse to let others’ lack of empathy, kindness & compassion rob you of yours.

Maintain your integrity by refusing to lower your standards of decency to meet people on their level.

People are always under the influence of the example you set — so remember who want to be.



There’s still a place…

There’s still a place for decency. For kindness. For respect and tolerance.

There’s still a place for integrity and generosity. And goodwill towards others.

There’s still a place where we can inspire hope and build the kind of world we’re proud to live in.

And it begins in each of us.

We’re all in the same boat

You can literally do anything — even with the best of intentions — and if enough people hear about, someone isn’t going to like it.

You can also do absolutely nothing and get the same result.

Just do your best to set a good example.
We’re all in the same boat.


Social media servitude

The moment you begin creating content just to feed the machine that is social media, is the moment you become its servant.

If you want to save yourself from burnout or losing sight of what really matters in life, focus on creating content that satisfies your needs, not the machine’s.

Otherwise, you run the risk of being manipulated into creating content & acting in ways that don’t accurately represent who you are or who you want to be. And when this happens, no amount of likes is going to make you happy.

Because the truth is, that in the grand scheme of things, it’s not likes that really matter, it’s the quality of the connection between you, your work, and who you share it with that matters. Potent beats popular.
