
Not everyone will understand your journey. That’s fine. It’s not their journey to make sense of. It’s yours.

Zero Dean

Author | Photographer | CG Artist | Filmmaker

There’s no one way

There’s no one way to reach people that is both effective and makes everyone happy. There’s no one way to teach a lesson. There’s no one way to try to make a positive difference in someone’s life.

What one person finds annoying, preachy, or heavy-handed, another is thankful for. What one person considers common sense, another is contemplating for the first time.

Just because some people don’t appreciate your efforts doesn’t diminish the fact that others do.

Just because your attempts at making a positive difference in the world are not appreciated by everyone doesn’t mean that you should stop trying.

Wearing a cape is optional

You don’t need superpowers to stand up for what you know is right, maintain your integrity, or be a source of encouragement.

You don’t need superpowers to take the time to truly listen to people, keep your word, or live with honor.

You don’t need superpowers to lead by example or be the change you’d like to see in the world.

And you don’t need superpowers to see that there’s nothing stopping you from doing any of these things.

Wearing a cape is optional.

Originally Published on: Sep 8, 2014


Use your gifts for good

Rather than abandon your gift because you can’t find a way to make money from it, consider finding ways to use it to help others. Many of the most successful ventures became successful as a result of assisting people in some way.

Even if the way in which you help others doesn’t generate an income, helping others always provides benefits – some of which can be much more valuable in the long run than money.

The results of your actions speak louder than words

The results of your actions speak louder than words.

You can read a million motivational sayings to pump yourself up — or echo them to others until you’re blue in the face — but that won’t change anything unless you take action and consistently change your behavior.

Don’t just read it or preach it and expect it to make a difference in your life. Knowing something is not enough. Knowing what you should do is not enough. You have to use what you know and take action.

This is the DO in JUST DO IT.

Achieving personal goals series:


Originally Published on: Oct 7, 2012 @ 19:16