
Not everyone will understand your journey. That’s fine. It’s not their journey to make sense of. It’s yours.

Zero Dean

Author | Photographer | CG Artist | Filmmaker

Marketing and media manipulation

Dear marketers, media, and advertisers –

There is a huge difference between fulfilling people’s actual needs and preying on people’s weaknesses or desires. Marketing doesn’t have to be so manipulative.

Don’t try to sensationalize it. Don’t create conflict where none exists. Don’t promise me miracles. Don’t try to bait and switch me. Don’t feed on my fears. Just provide me with the facts. Let me make up my own mind. Stop all the bullshit.

Want to fill a niche? Want to fulfill people’s needs? The answer is integrity. We need integrity in marketing, the media, and our relationships now more than ever.

Prove to me you’re honest, authentic, and have integrity, and you will have a loyal customer/consumer/friend and someone who will work on your behalf to provide honest word-of-mouth for life.

That is far more valuable in the long run than meeting your short-term & short-sighted goals, monthly quotas, and quarterly reports.


Marketing and media manipulation



Integrity does not involve feeding people’s egos in an attempt to manipulate them into getting something you want. Integrity is not being nice with the expectation of reward. Integrity is not preying on people’s weaknesses to meet your own needs. Integrity is not making promises you cannot keep. Integrity is not withholding key information until you have won someone over by fueling their desires. Integrity is not waiting until they’ve signed the dotted line to reveal the fine print or legally manipulative part of the contract.

What those things encompass can be described quite simply as inauthentic, offensive, and manipulative. In a word: bullshit.


Integrity does not involve feeding people's egos in an attempt to manipulate them into getting something you want.

Everybody wants to be a superhero…

"Use what you already have to its maximum potential and you may just find you have enough." - Zero Dean

Everybody wants to be a superhero, but if you’re not already using the tremendous powers you already have to do good in this world, then why would anyone expect superpowers to make any difference?

Use the powers you already have to their maximum potential and you will likely discover that you have more than you need to make a real & lasting positive difference.


Why I think you’re awesome.

Why I think you’re awesome.

It’s not because you don’t make mistakes. We all do. That’s how we learn. It’s not because you haven’t occasionally come across in a way you didn’t intend. We all do that, too. It’s not because you’re always friendly, always generous, or always think of others before yourself.

The fact is, we’re all a work-in-progress and no one is perfect.

The reason I think you’re awesome is because of what I know you are capable of.

I know how you can make someone’s day simply by showing them appreciation.
I know how you can change a life by offering friendly advice and encouragement.
I know how you can improve upon the things you want to work on just by making them more of a priority in your life.

Perhaps it’s your fitness, your diet, or your relationships.
Perhaps it’s all three.

I know there is an incredibly powerful person in you capable of achieving far more than you ever thought possible. A person who, by striving to add just a little more positivity and kindness to the world each day, motivates and inspires others to do the same.

That person is awesome. That person is you.

"Why I think you&039;re awesome" by Zero Dean

Your greatness is not measured by how much you’re able to gain…

As you progress through life, you may begin to notice that the more you own, the more your life tends to be influenced by those things. And in many cases, restricted and controlled.

It has been said that the more you own, the more what you own ends up owning you.

“He who buys what he does not need, steals from himself.” – Swedish Proverb

So it is wise to ensure you don’t fall into the trap of acquiring possessions for the sole sake of simply having them or assuming that acquiring that one more thing will finally be the answer to the happiness you seek.

The truth is, we rarely make full use of what we already have. And much of what we own sits in a closet, an attic, a garage, or a storage unit where it is nearly never used and simply takes up more and more space year after year.

“People were created to be loved. Things were created to be used. The reason why the world is in chaos, is because things are being loved, and people are being used.”

We have been fooled by a consumer-driven society that more stuff equals more happiness — or is a sign of “success” — but it has been shown, the opposite is closer to the truth.

The less you own and need to be responsible for, the more you are able to exercise your free will, and the more you are able to appreciate and make use of the things you have.

“There are two ways to get enough. One is to continue to accumulate more and more. The other is to desire less.” – G.K. Chesterton

Be careful not to judge the value of your life by the material things you own — or you’ll find that you never have enough. The real measure of one’s wealth is not how much one has, but how much one is worth when they have nothing.

You can’t measure some of the most important things that matter most in the world. And yet, this has no impact on the tremendous impact they have on our lives.

It’s not the having of something that’s powerful, it’s what you choose to do with it. When one simply collects things that ultimately go unused, one not only uses up their valuable resources to keep it, they waste a tremendous opportunity to make a significant difference in someone else’s life who could actually use it.

Your greatness is not measured by how much you’re able to gain in life, but by how much you’re able to give.

"Your greatness is not measured by how much you're able to gain in life, but by how much you're able to give."

Your greatness is not measured by how much you’re able to gain...

Being “awesome” doesn’t mean simply existing.

It appears that “being awesome” is all the rage these days. Social networks are full of “just be awesome” related posts.

  • Don’t forget to be awesome!
  • Wake up. Be awesome. Go to sleep.
  • Keep calm and be awesome!

This is great — except that no one seems to really draw attention to what “being awesome” actually means. As if the simple act of existing is “being awesome”.

It isn’t.

The people who leave fast food trash in the parking lot next to their car are not being awesome. People who put others in danger by texting and driving? Not being awesome.

Rudeness? Arrogance? Selfishness? Judging people? Not awesome.

The majority of Youtube comments? Not awesome.

Being “awesome” doesn’t mean simply existing.

Being awesome involves acting in a way that contributes something of value to the people, places, and things that you connect with throughout your day.

Unless your mission is to be so annoying that people will feel relieved when you are not around, if your presence doesn’t add value, your absence won’t make a difference. And if you’re not making some kind of positive difference, that’s not “being awesome”. That’s not putting in any amount of effort. That’s simply existing.

So if you truly want to be awesome, always strive to contribute in such a way that you’re adding something of value wherever you may be and to whoever you come in contact with by doing more of what you’d like to see in the world.

This can be as simple as going out of your way to be kind to people.

It is in this way of adding value wherever you go that you will not only make a positive difference in the world at large, but also in your relationships, your work affairs, and any systems in which you play a role.

And that is awesome.

As Henry David Thoreau said, “Be not simply good; be good for something.”


Being awesome doesn't mean simply existing