
Not everyone will understand your journey. That’s fine. It’s not their journey to make sense of. It’s yours.

Zero Dean

Author | Photographer | CG Artist | Filmmaker

Encourage caring

Excerpt from: What stress is caused by and why you should give a damn

Lessons Learned from The Path Less Traveled by Zero DeanWe should not be encouraging ourselves or others not to care or give a damn. Or toughening ourselves or our children to deal with a hostile world.

We should be encouraging people to care — and educating people on how to do so effectively — and teaching our children to be the change they wish to see in the world.

We must learn to let go of those things we have no control over and focus on what we can do. Remember not to let the things you can’t control stand in the way of what you can.



Be someone’s reason to smile today


You don’t have to be a superhero to make a person’s day better by having been a part of it, but you might just feel like one.

Kindness is being someone’s reason to smile today.

Look for opportunities. Lead by example.

Be the change.


Something wonderful


Whether it’s a smile on someone’s face or a look of gratitude in their eyes, every day is an opportunity to bring something wonderful to the world that won’t exist in the universe until you — and you alone — create it.

Every single moment in our lives is a one-of-a-kind opportunity. And although the positive moments we share with others can sometimes seem insignificant, never underestimate the power they can have on those who are affected by them.

Every time you perform an act of kindness, you generate a wave of positive energy that didn’t exist in that form before you created it. That wave creates ripples that can be both long-lasting and far-reaching.

Create and contribute to these ripples whenever you can and you may just find you attract more of the types of positive moments you desire in your life.

The people you encounter in your life are always much more likely to treat you with kindness when they witness or experience your kindness, your compassion, your generosity, and your willingness & desire to find ways to be helpful or make things more convenient for others.


Supergood Sunday

Just imagine if once a year the media, retailers, and the general public devoted as much time, money, energy, and resources to doing something positive & productive as they do hyping and discussing two teams comprised of multi-millionaires trying to get a ball from one side of a field to the other.

A day highlighting the individuals and companies making a positive difference.
A day spotlighting positive role models.
A day giving visibility to good causes.
A day encouraging people to be good to each other and the world at large.
A day educating people on what they can do to enhance their lives and the lives around them in meaningful ways.
A day focusing on friendship-making and tolerance instead of an “us vs. them” mentality or fear mongering.
A day that leaves a long-lasting positive impact.

Supergood Sunday.

Turn positive things into shared experiences

Heads up, heroes!

Your mission, if you choose to accept it today, is to look for and act upon any opportunities to take something positive and make it bigger and better by turning it into a shared experience.

Look for and draw attention to the positive.

If you’ve ever appreciated being noticed for something you take pride in, take a moment to show that same appreciation to someone else.

Give a sincere compliment to a stranger. Like what they’re wearing? Tell them.

Did someone help you? Say so. Even better, tell their boss.

Did you enjoy an experience at an establishment? Tell someone.

Even better, leave a sincere positive review somewhere, even if that means sending an email or leaving a voicemail at the main office. Mention people by name.

Whatever good you come across today, keep the cycle going and the good energy flowing by sharing it.

Take the time. Be someone’s hero.




Caring, appreciation, and gratitude

The primary message you communicate when you act like you don’t care is that you don’t care.

If you care about something, appreciate it, or are grateful for it, be sure your actions consistently communicate these sentiments.

You may think something, but until you convert a thought into an action, it’s just potential energy.

Remember to reinforce your positive thoughts and feelings with your actions and not solely express yourself through words.

Anyone can say anything. You reinforce the truth in your words when your actions are consistently congruent with not only what you say, but how, where, and when you choose to act.



Solving the world’s problems

I don’t have all the answers — no one does — but I’m pretty sure the solution to the world’s problems is not to make enemies of your fellow earth inhabitants, cause them pain or hardship, or try to wipe them off the planet.

There are solutions that don’t involve harming innocents. There are solutions that don’t involve making more enemies in the process.

Find something constructive to love. Find something positive to be passionate about. Work towards a common good.

Educate people without putting a gun to their heads. Try to get along with the neighbors you share the planet with.

Try to set a good example. Show people a better way. Without threats, without violence, without overly aggressive behavior.

It should go without saying, if you wouldn’t like it done to you, don’t do it to others.

The answer to the world’s problems is not in hurting earth’s inhabitants, it’s in helping them.

The vast majority of people all over the planet, regardless of their race, beliefs, or skin color, would much rather make friends than enemies. Even if they don’t agree with you on everything.

Be kind to a stranger today because it’s good. And it sets a good example. Expect nothing. Because the reward for doing good is to have done it.

Don’t let the 24/7 coverage of bad news make you cold and hateful.

Be warm. Be tolerant. Be open minded.

And above all, be kind.

Be soft. Do not let the world make you hard. Do not let pain make you hate. Do not let the bitterness steal your sweetness. Take pride that even though the rest of the world may disagree, you still believe it to be a beautiful place.” — Kurt Vonnegut



The fact is, you can help someone today


The fact is, you can help someone today if you simply look for the opportunity to do so and act upon it when it comes.

Always believe you can make a positive difference in the world of those you encounter.

Because you can and you do.
