
Not everyone will understand your journey. That’s fine. It’s not their journey to make sense of. It’s yours.

Zero Dean

Author | Photographer | CG Artist | Filmmaker

Genuine kindness doesn’t have ulterior motives.

Genuine kindness doesn’t have ulterior motives.

The true measure of a man is how he treats someone who can do him absolutely no good.” — Samuel Johnson

The reward for being kind is inherent in the act of giving it.

“Love is always bestowed as a gift – freely, willingly and without expectation. We don’t love to be loved; we love to love.” — Leo Buscaglia

Give kindness and do good because you can. Because the world needs more people who do. And there’s no better person to do it than you.


Here’s to the content creators

When was the last time you got something of value for free on the Internet?

Your mission, if you choose to accept it today, is to give thanks or show appreciation to the person, people, or company that provides (or provided) something you enjoy.

Be it an article, blog post, recipe, photograph, work of art, piece of music, podcast, comic, your favorite artist or musician or website or whatever — take 2 minutes to go give thanks or appreciation to a content creator.

(Not the person, site, or company that shared the artist’s work, I mean the actual creator. The musician, the photographer, the artist, the writer, the company… The thing you appreciate originated from somewhere. Where? Who created it?)

In a world that wants everything for free, content creators often go undervalued and unappreciated.

Take the 2 minutes to write a sincere email or leave a comment for someone. Even if you don’t expect it will ever be read.

Chances are it will, and even it isn’t read by the person it was intended for, it sets a good example.

But above all, you’ll feel good about showing appreciation.

And if it’s not already something you do regularly, you might just find that you enjoy it so much that you want to make a habit of it.


Be a bright spot in someone’s day.


It is so easy to be a bright spot in someone’s day.

If it wasn’t on your to do list, why don’t you go ahead and add it.

Be someone’s reason to smile today.

And if you like it, be someone’s reason to smile every day.

You never know, you might just turn into a bright spot in someone’s life. :)



The courage to be yourself

You can’t be yourself when your personal identity is directly linked to what others think or say about you. Good or bad.

Every single person on the planet is a work-in-progress.

When you truly know who you are — and who you are in the process of becoming — you will no longer live in fear of what people say or think about you.

And that is a powerful place to be.

Those you attract into your life will know the true you, not some distorted or diluted version of yourself that you present to others in order to maintain one’s friendship or approval.

No, not everyone will like you (whether you try to please everyone or not), but those who do will like and respect you for who you truly are.

Be a good person — as you are and in your own way — and you will attract more of those types of people into your life.

Because in a world of media manipulated trends, spin, fake news, and superficial celebrities, authentic, genuine, and confident people are much rarer than they should be.

So step it up, if you haven’t.

And keep it up if you have.

We need you.

When you are brave enough to be yourself, you give others permission to do the same.”





A mission of kindness

Your mission today, if you choose to accept it, is to perform a random act of kindness.

Pay for someone’s toll or coffee.Put some change in an expired meter (*Note: may be illegal in some states). Share an artist’s work. Make a donation to a cause or help promote it. Help fund a Kickstarter project. Have flowers delivered to a receptionist. Let the Wookie win.

Or just make a stranger smile.



Your mission, if you choose to accept it…

Your mission, if you choose to accept it, is to find an opportunity to give someone *sincere*, positive praise today.

Or tell someone’s boss or manager that the person who helped you (or others) is doing a great job.

Or write a positive review for a product or establishment that you appreciate.

Accentuate the positive.


Take the time to express it

Take the time to say it.

“You know what I really like about you…”
“I love it when you…”
“I really respect you for…”
“This thing you did had such a good effect on me…”
“Thank you for…”
“I really appreciate it when you…”
“I admire you for…”
“One of my favorite memories of you is…”

Accentuate the positive in others and you may just have as positive effect on someone else as they have on you.


Accentuate the positive


Every day you have the power to bring out the best in people simply by sincerely highlighting those things you appreciate about them the most.

Whatever you focus on grows stronger. When you focus on those things you enjoy most about people (and life in general), you not only encourage more of the types of behaviors you like to see in others, you attract more of these types of things into your life.

The same is true when you look for the negative. Not only will you find it, you’ll magnify it.

This is why it’s important to be very deliberate with what you choose to focus on, because it is extremely easy to leapfrog from one negative thing to another until you suddenly find yourself overwhelmed, depressed, or in despair.

This is not to say we should ignore problems — or those traits in others we don’t like — only that when we direct out attention to these things, we remain solution-oriented, not problem focused.





Originally published on: Feb 7, 2014 @ 15:41
Republished on: Jun 6, 2015 @ 14:41

How to be a Superhero in Real Life (Part 3)

In this series:


How to be a Superhero in Real Life (Part 3) by Zero Dean

  • Live a life you’re proud of
  • Be open to new ideas
  • Share your enthusiasm
  • Respect your body
  • Try new things
  • Focus on what you can do, not on what you can’t
  • Let go of what you can’t control
  • Be solution oriented, not problem focused
  • Don’t let others dictate your sense of worth
  • Strive for progress, not perfection
  • Don’t be afraid of failing, be afraid of not trying
  • Focus on what you have, not on what you don’t
  • Forgive yourself & others
  • Let go of your emotional baggage
  • Act with confidence
  • Admit when you are wrong
  • Put things back where they belong
  • Spread hope
  • Make peace
  • Generate joy

Every day.
