
Not everyone will understand your journey. That’s fine. It’s not their journey to make sense of. It’s yours.

Zero Dean

Author | Photographer | CG Artist | Filmmaker

Achieving personal goals: Focus on the positive

Achieving personal goals: Focus on the positive

How you see the world is largely a matter of what you focus on.

What kind of world do you want to live in? Do you want to live in a world that is hostile and dangerous, or one that is friendly and warm?

To see more of what you want in life, remember to focus on what you want to see rather than on what you don’t want or don’t see. Look for and focus on those things that you can like and appreciate in others, not on what you don’t like.

You will find the world to be a much friendlier place by being positive — and discussing what you like — than by being negative and complaining about what you don’t like.

We find what we seek. By remembering this at times when you might otherwise find yourself being negative, your attention on the positive will attract more of what you are looking for in life.

Achieving personal goals series:


Achieving personal goals: Focus on what you CAN do

Achieving personal goals: Focus on what you CAN do

There are always things you can’t do. But there are always things that you CAN.

There are always things beyond your control. But there are always things within it.

You’re never as stuck as you think you are.

Anyone who ever accomplished anything had limitations. If you truly want something, you’ll find a way.

Achieving personal goals series:
