
Not everyone will understand your journey. That’s fine. It’s not their journey to make sense of. It’s yours.

Zero Dean

Author | Photographer | CG Artist | Filmmaker

Invest in bettering yourself and the future you

Excerpt from: Today is day one.

Invest in bettering yourself and the future you. Let your future self look back on the changes you make today and be thankful you made them.


Originally Published on: Aug 2, 2015 @ 12:51

It’s not that we should wish to eliminate all challenges…

Excerpt from: Overcoming overwhelmed

It’s not that we should wish to eliminate all challenges from our lives, but instead focus on developing the strength, discipline, and attitude necessary to effectively deal with each & every one that we encounter.


Originally Published on: Sep 30, 2015 @ 06:22

It’s not about how much the things that one has are worth…

Excerpt from: Learn to let go

It’s not about how much the things that one has are worth, it’s about how much one values the things that they have.


Originally published on: Sep 1, 2015 @ 06:12

If you want more time

Time is one of the most powerful tools in every person’s toolbox. But like all tools, it isn’t of much use if it isn’t used effectively.

Learning to manage one’s time in an efficient manner is one of the most effective ways to free up more time to manage in an efficient manner.

If you want more time to do more things, find ways to make better use of your time. And this begins by making your time a priority in your life.

While, learning to say “No” to people is an important step towards freeing up time, if you don’t follow through by making efficient use of that time – even if that means relaxing – you are wasting it.

Don’t be fooled. There is a difference between wasting time in a way that makes your life enjoyable and wasting time by failing to be mindful of how you’re choosing to spend it.

If you want more time in your day, be mindful of how you spend it.

Focus, attitude, and actions

The trajectory of your life is largely determined what you choose to focus on, the attitude you harbor when you focus on it, and the actions you take as a result. And each of these things is completely within your power to control.

Yes, sh*t happens, but whether it’s an obstacle on the way to your goals, rejection that stings, or an unexpected negative event, it is not the end of your journey.

Rest up & refocus if you need to, learn what you can from the experience, and then push forward.

The more you implement this strategy into your life, the more progress you’ll make and the more resilient you’ll become.

A lack of fanfare

At one time or another almost every creator experiences releasing something they’re excited about only to be met with little to no response. This can be demoralizing until you realize it’s normal. And you don’t have to explain it, make excuses for it, or feel bad about it.

Not everything will get the attention you think it deserves. That’s life just keep pushing forward.