
Not everyone will understand your journey. That’s fine. It’s not their journey to make sense of. It’s yours.

Zero Dean

Author | Photographer | CG Artist | Filmmaker

Feeling powerless in a world full of problems

These are crazy times and difficult to emotionally navigate for many.

It can be hard to think of effective ways to “fix” what’s wrong with the world and very easy to believe that things won’t ever change when we can’t.

Sometimes we get so wrapped up in how we think about problems in the world – and our inability to do much of anything about them – that we become demoralized and feel powerless as a result.

Understand that as much as you may want to see things change for the better, you are not responsible for initiating changes on a global level.

It’s important to be mindful of the fact that you can only affect things that are within your power to influence or control. And as limited in scope as this may seem, it is enough to make a meaningful difference in the lives of those you connect with.

And it often starts by doing the kinds of things that you respect & admire when others do them and taking action in ways that you can always be proud of no matter how you are feeling.

Use your gifts for good

Rather than abandon your gift because you can’t find a way to make money from it, consider finding ways to use it to help others. Many of the most successful ventures became successful as a result of assisting people in some way.

Even if the way in which you help others doesn’t generate an income, helping others always provides benefits – some of which can be much more valuable in the long run than money.

Put power in good things, not bad

We often betray ourselves when we give more weight to criticism from people we neither know or respect than we give to practical advice & positive feedback from people we do.

What you choose to dwell on can have a dramatic impact on how you feel. So it makes sense to pay attention to what you pay attention to and give more power to the things that are good for you than you give to those that are not.

Help stamp out rampant complaining.

The fact that you’ve probably never enjoyed listening to anyone else complain is a pretty solid sign that no one enjoys listening to you do it either.

Help stamp out rampant complaining.

Always focus on solutions and what is within your power to change.

Even just changing your message from, “This is a problem!” to “This is a problem and I want to fix it.” changes your tone, implies there is a real purpose for your message and invites a discussion for solutions.


Originally Published on: Aug 27, 2013 @ 13:23

Light your own fire

When one’s motivation is dependent on external sources, the moment those sources are absent is the moment one’s motivation begins to fade. This is because motivation is a state of mind.

And if a particular state of one’s mind is dependent on the availability of things it doesn’t always have control over, it can be difficult to attain the state of mind associated with those things when they’re unavailable.

This is why it’s important to learn how to develop the mental discipline necessary to be one’s own source of motivation. When one is able to motivate themselves, they light a kind of fire that can burn indefinitely.

Originally Published on: Apr 29, 2015 @ 09:05