
Not everyone will understand your journey. That’s fine. It’s not their journey to make sense of. It’s yours.

Zero Dean

Author | Photographer | CG Artist | Filmmaker

Be solution-oriented, not problem focused

If the world is getting you down, remind yourself to focus on what is within your power to control & be solution-oriented, not problem-focused (& if you can help others, do so).

Feeling overwhelmed is a sign that you’re focusing on things that are beyond your power to control.



Mockery vs encouragement

If you see someone putting in a genuine effort to do their best — even if what they’re doing falls short of your standards — consider giving them honest encouragement.

Laughing at or mocking people who are doing their best says a lot about a person (and it ain’t good).

Be kind.

If you can help ease someone’s burden or do something that makes a person’s day better, please don’t hesitate.

Patience. Smiles. Laughter. Compassion. Meaningful connections. Touch a life. Show what it means to be a good human.

Not just today. Every day. That’s kindness.

Superficial vs substance

There will always be people who see the value in your contributions to the world and who genuinely appreciate you for what you’ve done and the kind of person you are.

But by that same token, there will always be those who ignore substance and, instead, judge you based on something superficial, like what you own or how you transport yourself from one location to another.

Always keep in mind that it is not your job to convince people to see substance when all they want to look at is the superficial.

Be the best you that you can be and you will naturally attract those who see value in who you are and what you offer. Don’t waste time trying to get people who overly value superficial things to see your worth. If they ever do, it wont be because you convinced them to.

Originally published on: Dec 31, 2019

A reminder for tough times

If you’re currently going through a difficult time, I want to remind you of something:

You are stronger than you feel.
You are capable of getting through this.
And you will.

Stop beating yourself up and focus on the positive actions you can take and push forward.

You’ve got this.



Going after your heart’s desires

Excerpt from:

20 things I’ve learned about determination & commitment in 333 days.

If you’re truly going after your heart’s desires and you truly believe in yourself and what you’re trying to accomplish, then it doesn’t matter what other people think because you’re not doing it for them — you’re doing it for you.


Originally Published on: Apr 6, 2011

It is not your job to make people like you

Anyone can fake being “normal”. Anyone can try to please everyone and turn off no one. Anyone can constantly concern themselves with what other people think of them or how they are perceived. These things are not only incredibly common behaviors, they’re dangerous.

Because – if you’re constantly checking in with regard to what “normal” is or only permitting yourself to do what other people expect of you, you’re not only not being true to yourself, you’re letting your fears dictate your life by acting a certain way in order to earn affection or gain favor.

No matter how much you may want to be liked, pretending to be something you’re not isn’t the answer – because you’re not here to be someone else – you’re here to be you. And – if you are not living your life being the best YOU that you can be, you’re not really living authentically. And you are certainly not living up to your unique potential.

While you may not please everyone who crosses your path in life, one person you can consistently please is yourself – but only if you don’t give in to your fears and sacrifice who you truly are in order to constantly accommodate the expectations of others.

Be the best person that you can be – while being true to yourself – and you will naturally attract people who appreciate you for who you are, not someone you pretend to be.

To pretend to be someone you’re not in order to gain favor or followers is to put yourself on a path that will ultimately let people down – most importantly yourself. It has often been said that the number 1 regret of the dying is that they didn’t have the courage to live a life that was true to who they were because they spent so much of their time concerned with what other people might think.

If you want to live an authentic life, stop worrying so much about being liked. It is not your responsibility to make people like you nor is it your job to conform yourself to other people’s expectations. You are here to be the best YOU that you can be – whether other people like you or not.

Failure is feedback. It is not the end.

Failure is feedback. It is not the end.

Life goes on. And so, too, should you.

There is always another step to take, another dot to connect to, another way to make ourselves valuable.

We don’t always get what we strive for, but we only truly fail when we stop trying to make use of what life gives us.

Originally Published on: Nov 15, 2016

Don’t let what you can’t do stand in the way of what you can do.

Always remember that you may not be able to do everything, but you can always do something.

Whenever you catch yourself focusing on a problem or obstacle (which is discouraging), remember to turn your attention to possible solutions (which is encouraging).

While immediate solutions may not come to mind, you can aid yourself in the process by using the awesome power of asking yourself good questions and letting your subconscious guide you.

Don’t let what you can’t do stand in the way of what you can do.


Originally Published on: Jul 2, 2013