
Not everyone will understand your journey. That’s fine. It’s not their journey to make sense of. It’s yours.

Zero Dean

Author | Photographer | CG Artist | Filmmaker

Telling people what you plan to do


You don’t have to tell people what you plan to do. You can just do it — or not do it. Especially if you have a habit of contradicting yourself.

The same applies to making emotionally triggered ultimatums that may not be adhered to when you’ve calmed down.

If you find yourself with free time…

Yes, times are tough. But it’s also a time full of amazing opportunities.

If you find yourself with “free time”, NOW is the time to take advantage of it.

Don’t waste it doing things you could easily do ANY time.

Connect. Write. Make music. Create art. Pursue something you rarely get time to do.

Do something worth remembering that you will thank yourself for.

These may not be beautiful times, but you can still do & make beautiful things despite them.

Write. Make music. Create art. Work on a skill.
Channel your love & passion.

Whatever it is, let your heart & creativity speak through what you produce.

The ocean has receded

A tsunami survivor is on the beach. They see the ocean recede into the distance and realize what it means.

So they start alerting people to what’s coming. But rather than listen, the people ask their friends what the water receding could mean. And their friends give them all kinds of answers. And many of them are reassuring.

“It’s a hoax.” “We haven’t had a tsunami for 100 years.” “I’m sure it will be fine.”

So they do very little when they could be doing a lot.

And then the tsunami comes.
