
Not everyone will understand your journey. That’s fine. It’s not their journey to make sense of. It’s yours.

Zero Dean

Author | Photographer | CG Artist | Filmmaker

Nature abhors a vacuum.

According to the laws of nature and physics, empty or unfilled spaces are unnatural. Wherever there is a void, the universe seeks to fill it.

Turns out Aristotle was primarily right when he said “Nature abhors a vacuum”.

This expression popped into my head as I wrapped up my cardio session at the gym earlier — and was included in my E is for endorphins post on facebook.

There are two times of day when seemingly random things just “pop into my head”. The first is immediately after waking up (sometimes those thoughts are great — and sometimes, ummmm, yeah!).

And the second most often time this happens, is while I’m at the gym — usually doing cardio (that’s my “meditation time”.

Although my post to Facebook earlier was intended to be light and fun, I’ve been chewing on it ever since. I know I’ve heard this “nature abhors a vacuum” expression before, but I wasn’t sure where it came from, so I looked it up — and that’s how this post got started.

At least that’s how I initially thought it got started. But then I looked back at something else I posted earlier in the day — a quote by Charles Burke about “Giving thanks” — and realized it felt familiar. While he doesn’t explicitly say the words, Burke’s quote includes this phrase:

“When you give thanks — real, soul-lifting, jubilant thanks — for things you don’t have yet, nature rushes in to fill that vacuum.”

It’s pretty clear my brain was making connections between this quote and Aristotle’s before I was even aware of it. (And I’ve written before about how the subconscious mind will often do this.)

So I was thinking, perhaps there really is some science behind the universe’s general tendency to fill voids — and maybe there’s a way for us to use this to our advantage?

A universal “loophole”, if you will…

I’ve heard it said before that:

“If you want something in your life, acting like you already have it is one of the most immediate ways to get it”.

So perhaps Charles Burke is onto something — what would (or could) happen if one was to be grateful for things one didn’t yet have?

Since it has also been said that our brainwaves turn thoughts into matter, could it not be the case that by acting (thinking) as if we already have what we want, the universe will “see” that void (if one exists) and seek to fill it?


Or maybe this is just some self-help silliness.

But still…

If being truly grateful makes you feel better about life anyway, perhaps that’s even more reason to practice gratitude.

It’s certainly worth trying. Isn’t it?

Dear Universe!

  • I am grateful that things just keep getting better and better!
  • And for being healthy (and injury free) enough to run my first marathon in 2013!
  • And for overwhelming abundance!
  • And for the amazing people in my life!
  • And for awesome travel opportunities!
  • And for finally meeting (and entering into a relationship with) the woman of my dreams! ;)

And, oh heck, why not — for having the opportunity to finally meet Will Smith — because Will Smith is awesome.

Holy crackers — showing gratitude is fun. :) Who knew!?


See also my follow-up to this post: “Setting the table of your life.”

Life is short, but its yours.

Life is short. Be responsible and respectful of others and treat yourself and others well, but don’t let anyone discourage you from having fun and going after whatever it is that fills you with joy. It’s your life. Live it.

It’s better to have a short life that is full of what you like doing, than a long life spent in a miserable way.” — Alan Watts



It’s your life. Live it to love it.

When you think about all the things you could do or all the places you could go or all the opportunities you could take advantage of, it’d be nearly impossible to fit them into a single lifetime, let alone a stage of life.

And yet many people put off doing things until some fictional future when “everything will be right”. A distant future that rarely arrives.

Don’t waste opportunities to do things that are actually worth remembering by sitting idly as they pass. The things that a person can sit down and “do” today are generally the same things one can sit down and “do” a decade from now.

So get up, get out, and really do something.

A person only gets so many opportunities to do certain things at certain times in their life. What a person plans for matters, but what a person actually does matters even more.

Any time you’ve taken care of your responsibilities and you find yourself with the luxury of time, ask yourself, “Am I doing something worth remembering?” And if what you’re doing isn’t worth remembering, think of something that you can do that is, and then do that.

If you want to love your life, do things worth remembering. Don’t just “exist” and then wonder why your life isn’t all that interesting when you’re bored.

“Opportunities multiply as they are seized.” — Sun Tzu

It’s your life.
Live it to love it.

If you want to LOVE your life, get out there and LIVE it!

  • Take chances.
  • Try something new.
  • Do something out of character.
  • Express interest in others.
  • Say YES! more.
  • Offsite: Create a bucket list.
  • Take the long way home.
  • Eat dessert first.
  • Perform a random act of kindness.
  • DO more, watch less.
  • Listen attentively.
  • Wear a smile!
  • Participate in something you haven’t tried before.
  • Pay for someone’s coffee or toll fare.
  • Hatch a plan to make a new friend.
  • Call an old friend.
  • Say “thank you” like you really mean it.
  • Pay off your debts.
  • Thank someone you appreciate.
  • Resolve to eat better.
  • Take charge of something.
  • Drink more water.
  • Move your body.
  • Find something to be passionate about.
  • Do things that make your heart beat faster.
  • And most importantly, get out there and…


“I don’t want to get to the end of my life and find that I just lived the length of it. I want to have lived the width of it as well.” — Diane Ackerman



Appreciation and Gift Giving

Global manufacturers would like us to believe that holidays are the best time to show appreciation by buying more “stuff” for the people we care about.

And every holiday we do it with cards, flowers, chocolate & confectionaries, and a million cheap trinkets of all kinds made by overworked & underpaid employees in foreign lands.

And we buy into this idea — holiday after holiday — because we like LOVE to be appreciated.

In fact, feeling appreciated is one of our greatest emotional needs. So we don’t tend to mind so much that the primary reason people show us appreciation on holidays is because they are expressly being reminded told to through advertising.

While there is certainly something to be said about being appreciated & showing appreciation on mutually agreed upon and culturally convenient dates, one could make an argument that the most sincere times to show appreciation are those times when a person you care about was simply on your mind and you thought enough of them to take the time to say so. Not because it was a holiday. Not because it was convenient. But just because it felt right and you truly wanted to do it.

I think most people would agree that any time is a good time to be appreciated. But by that same token, any time is a good time to SHOW appreciation, but if you truly want to maximize the experience, the BEST times to show gratitude for those you care about might just be the times when it isn’t a common cultural phenomenon.

(* within obvious social norms)

So if today isn’t one of those holidays — or even if it is! — is there someone you could show appreciation to right now?

“Too often we underestimate the power of a touch, a smile, a kind word, a listening ear, an honest compliment, or the smallest act of caring, all of which have the potential to turn a life around.” — Leo F. Buscaglia


Life isn’t always easy

Excerpt from: Who are you going to be this year?

Life isn’t always easy — but it helps if you remember that obstacles in your path are there to test you and to help you grow. It is by overcoming obstacles that you develop new skills and new ways of handling what the rest of your life has in store for you. If you’d never had a problem in your life, you wouldn’t be very able to deal with — well LIFE, would you?

Life isn't always easy — but it helps if you remember that obstacles in your path are there to test you and to help you grow. It is by overcoming obstacles that you develop new skills and new ways of handling what the rest of your life has in store for you. If you'd never had a problem in your life, you wouldn't be very able to deal with — well LIFE, would you?

As I look back at the entire tapestry of my life, I can see from the perspective of the present moment that every aspect of my life was necessary and perfect. Each step eventually led to a higher place, even though these steps often felt like obstacles or painful experiences.” — Wayne Dyer

"Life isn't always easy — but it helps if you remember that obstacles in your path are there to test you and to help you grow. It is by overcoming obstacles that you develop new skills and new ways of handling what the rest of your life has in store for you. If you'd never had a problem in your life, you wouldn't be very able to deal with — well LIFE, would you?" -- Zero Dean


Ways to find encouragement: Believe it to achieve it

Ways to find encouragement series:

Believe it to achieve it.

While I think being “realistic” is a relative term — and I don’t want to tell anyone to be realistic, I will say that your dreams, whatever they are, have to be believable to YOU.

You have to believe they are achievable. But if you take a close look at what it is you want, and you don’t feel what you want is achievable, that doesn’t mean it’s GAME OVER!

Simply analyze what it is you want and figure out which part(s) you don’t feel are truly attainable — can you still succeed on some level without them? And is that something you truly want? You can always tweak your dreams in a way that make them believable and achievable.

When you are truly believe in your ability to achieve your goals and dreams, it instills you with the confidence that can help you overcome obstacles. And that’s encouraging.


Ways to find encouragement: Don’t be afraid of mistakes

Ways to find encouragement series:

Don’t be afraid of mistakes.

No one gets through life without making mistakes. Only some people make a bigger deal/show out of them than others. Some of the most successful people in the world fail all the time, but they don’t sit around announcing it to everyone. Instead, they simply learn from it and move on.

When you treat your mistakes like learning experiences, you turn what some people consider to be a negative thing into a positive one. And that’s encouraging.


“Can’t.” You keep using this word.


“Can’t”. You keep using this word. I do not think it means what you think it means.

*Inspired by The Princess Bride


Achieving personal goals: Be patient and disciplined

Achieving personal goals: patient and disciplined

Be patient. Think long term and stop seeking immediate gratification or shortcuts. Small changes add up to big changes over time. Strive for progress, not perfection.

What you want MOST is often far more important than what you want NOW — especially after the moment of desire passes. Repeatedly exercising your control over the urges or bad habits that are working against you helps provide you with a certain mental toughness. Over time, things you used to think were difficult become much easier.

Achieving personal goals series:
