
Not everyone will understand your journey. That’s fine. It’s not their journey to make sense of. It’s yours.

Zero Dean

Author | Photographer | CG Artist | Filmmaker

Strength isn’t built in one’s comfort zone.


Strength isn’t built in one’s comfort zone.

One’s strength is manufactured in the moments when one decides that the struggle to achieve something is more important than the temporary discomfort that comes from doing so.


Keys to self-confidence

One of the keys to self-confidence is recognizing those things that make you feel vulnerable or self-conscious and then accepting them.

Because when you accept yourself for who you are — flaws and all — you leave people far less capable of adversely affecting your sense of self-worth.

One of the byproducts of a stable sense of self-worth is self-confidence.

When you truly know who you are — and who you are in the process of becoming — you will no longer live in fear of what people say or think about you.

Take the time to get to know yourself.

Learn to know the difference between what you can change about yourself and what you can’t.

Understand that you are a work-in-progress and that the things about yourself that you have power over — such as your attitude, diet, fitness, habit, and skills — can and will change for the better over time if you work on them.

Regardless of where you are in your journey, accept yourself as you are at this time.


Remind yourself that every day has value

Excerpt from: Expiration date


Reminding yourself that every day has value and every day that passes is another day closer to your expiration date can provide the perspective & motivation necessary to help you prioritize your life in a way that reflects the kind of person you truly want to be.


If you create goals with confidence, but sometimes suffer from self-doubt…

Excerpt from: Setbacks and self-doubt


If you create goals with confidence, but sometimes suffer from self-doubt, realize that it’s a sign that you’re on the right track, not the wrong one.

Because if your aspirations don’t push you beyond your comfort zone, you’re not aiming high enough.


Never settle for less than the life you are capable of living

Excerpt from: What it means to “live life to the fullest”

To live life to the fullest means facing your fears with bravery, an open mind, and a lack of prejudice. It means making the most of what you have and never settling for less than the life you are capable of living. It means being truly alive and awake to life and not asleep in life’s waiting room.



Never stop seeking meaningful ways to improve yourself

Never stop seeking meaningful ways to improve yourself and you will be rewarded with a life that attracts & reflects more of the things that are meaningful to you.



Be a person who believes in the possibility of positive change

Excerpt from: The process of becoming who we are

Be a person who believes in the possibility of positive change because it is often the belief in something that creates the possibility.



Living life to the fullest means…

Excerpt from: What it means to “live life to the fullest”

Living life to the fullest means continually reaching out for newer, richer, deeper, life-changing experiences. It means using those experiences as a means for personal growth and pushing the boundaries of yourself mentally, spirituality, and intellectually for the betterment of yourself and the world at large.


There will always be someone better at something than you are


We are often unaware of the struggles that others must face in order to achieve success. As Lee Honda put it, “Success is 99% failure.”

Know that whatever it is you wish to accomplish, no two people, businesses, or ventures are exactly the same. You can’t help but bring a unique perspective to your endeavors and a unique combination of talents and skills.

So even if the field is crowded, understand that you can succeed, too, but in order to do so, it is essential that you put in the effort and take action to achieve your goals.

Getting discouraged at others’ accomplishments and giving up because you feel you can’t compete gets you nowhere.

Constantly comparing yourself to others is waste of energy. There will always be someone better at something than you are.

A wise person once said, “Comparison is the thief of joy.”

Don’t let the success of others discourage you from your own endeavors or make you bitter. If someone has done or is doing something you would like to do, let it inspire you and be an indicator that you, too, can achieve great things.

Achieving personal goals series:


