Stop wishing for more time.
Anyone who ever accomplished anything great in life had exactly the same number of hours in their day as you do.
Today we have more ways to solve more problems and get more done in a single day than have ever existed before in the whole span of history.
Your “lack of time” is not a time problem, it’s a priorities issue. One thing you can do to better manage your time is to stop doing so many of the things that bring little value to your life and start focusing on the things and people that do.
That’s all anyone who has ever gone on to accomplish great things has done. You don’t get more time by wishing for it. You get more time by making better use of the time you already have.
- Today is day one.
- If not now, when?
- Time won’t let me go
- Stop wasting your time following someone else’s idea of the ideal life.
- What you do in your free time determines what you’ll be doing when you don’t have a choice.