
Not everyone will understand your journey. That’s fine. It’s not their journey to make sense of. It’s yours.

Zero Dean

Author | Photographer | CG Artist | Filmmaker

“If only” is a roadblock on the highway of life.

A few words about “IF ONLY”…


  • If only — IT was easier.
  • If only — THEY were…

If you can’t control something, then focus on what you can control (which is how you think about it)


  • If only — I was stronger.
  • If only — I was more…

Adding the “*I*” is a step in the right direction because then you’re focusing on something you can control, but it’s still not a very effective way to approach a problem.

The issue still lies with “If only”. Ditch it.

You can ditch “If only” by asking yourself a question…

“How can I…?

Now you are not only putting yourself back in control, asking this question implies there is an answer to it.

And the fact that you are now thinking about a problem as if there is an answer to it provides you with a huge benefit — and that is it allows your subconscious mind to begin looking for a solution for you rather than be stuck with the belief that there isn’t one.

Come on, even Captain Jack Sparrow knows this…

“The problem is not the problem; the problem is your attitude about the problem.” — Captain Jack Sparrow

When you approach a problem in a way that implies you are powerless to address it, you create a mental roadblock and leave very little room for problem solving. When you approach a problem in a way that implies there is a solution to it, you open up a world of possibilities.

“If only” is a roadblock on the highway of life. “How can I…” is a roadblock breaker.

Use as needed.

“Do not pray for an easy life, pray for the strength to endure a difficult one” — Bruce Lee

Picture of Zero Dean

Zero Dean

Author of Lessons Learned From The Path Less Traveled. Professional photographer. Filmmaker. Humorist. Into photography, art, kindness, compassion, and living beyond comfort. Normal is boring.