“Happiness depends more on the inward disposition of mind than on outward circumstances.” — Benjamin Franklin
Anytime one’s internal state is dependent on external factors, one’s emotional state becomes a slave to circumstances.
A key to lasting happiness (like inner peace and a stress-free life) is in not placing control of one’s happiness in other people’s possession.
If you can’t control it, don’t anchor your emotional state to it.
“Inner Peace begins the moment you choose not to allow another person or event to control your emotions.”
- A healthy attitude
- Happiness is not a destination
- Healthy habits harbor happiness.
- Stress is caused by trying to have power over things that are beyond your control.
- If you want to be happy
- It’s OK not to be happy.
- Happiness. Contentment. Inner peace.
- Want to feel better?
- You are not a book (and why that matters)
- Setting the table of your life
- Energy flows where attention goes.
- The power of focus
- You have it within you to be the master of your destiny…