
Not everyone will understand your journey. That’s fine. It’s not their journey to make sense of. It’s yours.

Zero Dean

Author | Photographer | CG Artist | Filmmaker

Looking but not seeing

We live in a world where people look, but don’t see. Hear, but don’t listen. Experience, but don’t learn. And are given warnings, but ignore them.

Just because something has been expressed before by someone else in one way or another – and nearly everything has – it doesn’t mean it isn’t worth repeating.

Sometimes it isn’t just the message that matters, it’s the messenger.

Confronting discomfort

While being uncomfortable isn’t a joyful experience for almost anyone, dealing with discomfort is an absolutely essential part of life because it is a catalyst for personal growth.

It is entirely possible for something that brings you discomfort at one time in your life to be a source of great joy in another. For example, facing fears and pushing one’s self to try new things is frequently a turning point in many people’s lives. By confronting things that make them uncomfortable, many people learn to not just overcome the discomfort associated with those things, they can actually draw pleasure from them as well.

Think of the person with a fear of heights who takes up skydiving. Or the person with a fear of deep water learning to SCUBA dive.

Just because something doesn’t bring you joy doesn’t mean that you should disregard it. The fact is, even the less joyful aspects of our lives are important because they provide contrast and personal growth.