
Not everyone will understand your journey. That’s fine. It’s not their journey to make sense of. It’s yours.

Zero Dean

Author | Photographer | CG Artist | Filmmaker

Growth and Discomfort : Getting outside of your comfort zone

Growth & Discomfort: Getting outside of your comfort zone

Dealing with discomfort, fear, and situations we don’t want be in — or situations that we are completely unfamiliar with — is an absolutely essential part of growth.

Who we are is a result of everything we’ve had to overcome in life and the attitude we chose to adopt during – or as a result of – challenges we’ve had to face.

You can choose to look at difficulties as disruptive and something to dread – or you can look at them as opportunities for growth and self-improvement. Because difficulties & discomfort are simply one side of a coin while opportunities for growth are the other.

You can’t have growth without some degree of discomfort.

We may not be able to choose or even like the challenges that life throws our way, but we can always choose our attitude towards them.

Originally Published on: Nov 5, 2012 @ 15:48



No one can make you get fit.

No one can make you get fit. And no one can stop you from getting fit if you truly want to. Your fitness is your choice.

Originally Published on: Sep 15, 2013 @ 06:20


Perception and Rejection

One person may look at something and see one thing. Another may look at the same thing and see something else. It’s not the thing that’s different, it’s the perception of the person looking at it.

Your creativity, originality, genius and the value that you offer won’t always be recognized or appreciated for what it is. Just because some people fail to see the value in what you have to offer doesn’t mean you should stop offering it.