
Not everyone will understand your journey. That’s fine. It’s not their journey to make sense of. It’s yours.

Zero Dean

Author | Photographer | CG Artist | Filmmaker

Latest news Feb 5 2019

Here’s the latest news for February 5, 2019…


Congrats to Jocelyn Glas! Jocelyn was the only person — out of a global audience of well over 1,000 people — to participate in January’s giveaway. As a result, I’ll be mailing her a free signed copy of my book.

If you (yes, you — the person reading this) are actually interested in opportunities to get a free signed copy of my book, let me know. Otherwise, I’m going to explore other outlets beyond my blog and newsletter readers to give away copies.


In case you missed it, I rebooted my presence on Facebook at the tail end of last month. If you’re interested in keeping up with me there, be sure you have post notifications turned on. And, actually, if you’re following me elsewhere and want to keep up, then turning on post notifications for those places (instagram, twitter…) is generally a good idea as well.


Just a reminder, but if you’ve read my book and found value in it, your positive review on Amazon or Goodreads would be greatly appreciated. Even if you can’t leave a verified review on Amazon, a non-verified review with a photo of your copy of your book would be nice.

Ok, that’s all for now. Thanks for reading.



Your strength must be built on a solid foundation of self-discipline

Lessons Learned from The Path Less Traveled by Zero Dean

Be very careful about investing in products that cater to people’s desire for instant results & gratification. This is one of people’s easiest weaknesses to exploit and manufacturers know this. Product makers don’t want your health, they want your money. The fact is, even if a product leads to short-term results, manufacturers are counting on your long-term business by convincing you that you need what they’re selling.

Understand, there is rarely any shortcut or “miracle pill” worth taking and unless you change your habits & priorities at the root level, you’re just catering to your weakness and masking a problem, not fixing one. Unless your strength is built on a solid foundation of self-discipline, you will forever be vulnerable to things beyond your control.