It’s better to be your genuine self and have fewer of the right kinds of people in your life than it is to surround yourself with those who only accept you as long as you conform to their idea of who you should be.
Don’t live your life wearing a disguise.
When you refuse to be anything but your genuine self, you give those who are most compatible with who you are a chance to find you.
Never fear being rejected by those who seek to confine you to their expectations. It’s OK not to be liked or accepted by everyone you cross paths with on your journey.
You have to live your own life, learn from what life experiences provide you and evolve into the person you were meant to be.
Sometimes it’s necessary to take a step back and let go of things that are keeping you from making progress in life in order to make space for more of the things that will help you fulfill your potential.
- When you truly know who you are…
- Not everyone will understand your journey.
- Rejection is neither an indication of value or talent
- The Circle of Like
- The unique you is beautiful
- The freedom to be
- You are not a book (and why that matters)Fear of self-expression is a form of self-imposed slavery
- Doing it “wrong” and doing it anyway