You vote for what you want to see more of every time you buy, click, comment, share, and tune in.
Make sure your viewing, spending, and browsing habits are an accurate reflection of what truly matters most to you.
Enough with the cheap, the scandalous, and the superficial. Enough with helping mega corporations market products that provide no long-term benefit to anyone but their stockholders. Enough with everything being “this vs. that” and “us vs. them”.
Enough with the non-stop cycle of bad news.
We could all use a little more prosperity. A little more hope. A little more good news.
We owe it to ourselves to spend some time each day looking for the good and highlighting those making a positive difference. We owe it to ourselves to initiate positive change.
We owe it to ourselves to tell the media what we truly want instead of having the media and content providers decide for us.
You can’t be enriched on a diet of bad news and no substance.
Clickbait can wait.
- The 2014 way of grabbing an audience
- Yesterday’s heroes
- We can do better
- We are surrounded
- Marketing and media manipulation
- Integrity
- A tough pill to swallow
RE: Clickbait
noun informal
(Mainly on the Internet) content, especially that of a sensational, superficial, or provocative nature, whose main purpose is to attract attention and draw visitors to a particular web page which profits from visitors due to advertising.
A phenomenon now spreading to broadcast news headlines.