Always remember that your actions help influence whether there is more or less of something in the world.
The reason why bad news, people acting badly, and superficial pop culture is so popular is because people give their attention to it. This, in turn, creates more of exactly the sorts of things people say they don’t want.
This is why it is so important to encourage those who are doing the sorts of things you would like to see more of.
If you like it, encourage it. If you admire it, say so. If you appreciate it, express it.
It doesn’t matter if it’s a friend, a family member, a stranger on the street, or someone you cross paths with online, everyone can always use a little encouragement and positive feedback. Your recognition of the things you appreciate helps to prolong those things and ensure their future existence. Ten seconds of your time is all it takes (although thirty or more is more meaningful).
In a world of takers, be someone who gives back.