
Not everyone will understand your journey. That’s fine. It’s not their journey to make sense of. It’s yours.

Zero Dean

Author | Photographer | CG Artist | Filmmaker

Hello, this is your inner child calling…


Hello! This is your inner child calling. Remember me? You’re an adult now and we seem to have parted ways some time ago.

I just wanted to tell you how much I miss being able to act and do things without so much regard to what you imagine others might think. Because, once upon a time, that didn’t matter. Remember?

You forget that the majority of people actually like to see people loving life. Laughing. Playing. Being silly. And as long as they’re not being rude or causing harm, people often admire those who don’t concern themselves so much with what other people think.

Maybe part of the key to being happy doesn’t involve staying disconnected from the part of you that was most familiar with states of true joy & happiness. Maybe it involves being confident and comfortable with your complete self.

Because that person who experienced those states of joy & happiness wasn’t looking for those things. They were those things


Hello, this is your inner child calling

“That doesn’t count.”

“That doesn’t count.”

Sometimes people will try to trivialize your accomplishments in order to feel better about themselves.

Never let someone’s own sense of self-worth interfere with your self-esteem or sense of accomplishment. Because your efforts and achievements in life — no matter how small — count.

Life isn’t a competition. It isn’t about comparing yourself to others. It’s about trying to be better than the person you were yesterday.

While we may cross paths, the route each of us takes through life is unique. And a step forward is a step forward, regardless of how small your stride is or how long is takes you to get somewhere.

So go slow if you must. And make mistakes — as everyone does — and learn from them.

Just keep going and don’t let others — or their achievements — get you down.

And remember, no two people are on the same journey through life.
