
Not everyone will understand your journey. That’s fine. It’s not their journey to make sense of. It’s yours.

Zero Dean

Author | Photographer | CG Artist | Filmmaker

“It’s too late.”


Most people use the phrases “It’s too late”, “I’m too old.”, “It’s been done.”, “I already know what the answer will be.” or “Why even bother.” as an excuse to give up without ever putting in any effort to see if they are mistaken.

It is a disservice to your life to imagine your limits without ever making an attempt to see where they truly are. The vast majority of people on the planet are capable of achieving far more than they let themselves believe.

You’ll never get a “yes” if you never ask. You won’t get the job if you don’t apply. You can’t win if you don’t play. And you’ll never do great things unless you make the effort and try.


Talking shit

No one has ever made himself great by showing how small someone else is.” — Irvin Himmel

With our limited perspectives, we often have very little understanding of what other people are truly thinking or what motivated them to act in the way that they did. We only have our interpretation.

Remember, we judge ourselves by our intentions, but we judge others by their actions.

“Regardless of whether the outcome of an action is considered “good” or “bad”, everyone does things for reasons they consider reasonable at the time.”

As such, it is important to exercise restraint when one feels the urge to criticize people.

Remember, what one says when they talk about other people reveals a considerable amount about the person doing the talking.

If you must talk about people, talk about what you learned from the experience and use that to teach others how to beware of similar situations.

Let others make up their own mind as to how to use the knowledge and insight you share.

What you observe with other people isn’t always true. But what you learn from experiences with other people can’t be disputed.

We all make mistakes. It’s what we learn from ours and others experiences that’s important, not energy spent criticizing others.

“Be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle.” — Ian Maclaren *

*This is in regard to personal relationships, not evil companies or individuals who exist to simply take advantage of people.


What you say when you talk about others says a lot about you.